Pizza Friday At Work

in Hive Pizza8 months ago


I haven't done a Pizza post for a long while so I thought I would do one since at the new work/activity they have a tradition to eat pizza every Friday and now and then I join them like yesterday and I took some pictures I felt like posting :D

The Pizza restaurant is called Chaplin and they have drawings/portraits,etc. of Chaplin all over the restaurant and on the walls, I was going to take pictures of the walls but there were people in the restaurant so I didn't.

But yeah it's really nice inside the restaurant :)

I always order a Tutti Frutti which is like a Hawaii Pizza except with bananas and curry.

I also took apart a really dirty and rusty Playstation 3 yesterday, I could barely get certain parts out because of the rust but at least it wasn't a Mac computer which is just hell to take apart! lol. I usually stick to routers since I am most familiar with them but now and then I pick other devices to try something new.

After work I just sat at the computer for a while and then went to sleep, I barely do anything outside of work except watch shows, Youtube, and go to the store like once or twice per week other than that I mostly sleep. But I am trying to find other things to do and find new ways for me to make more money so I have more to save/invest since I am starting a travel fund and also just a fund for other big things which I am going to make a post about later!

Well that's the post for today xD Mainly just wanted to share the pics and also get out one post even though it wasn't much haha.


I want to work with u! Love pizza!

it's a fun work place :) There's one that said they would help me to learn Thai if I helped them get better at Swedish also!

 8 months ago (edited) 



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Good to see you applying yourself.
Not sure I've ever seen a Tutti Frutti recipe before :D

If you wanna sleep less, ironically the answer might lie in exercise :)

Long live the glory of... !PIZZA