Announcement: PIZZA:ONEUP Liquidity Pool + Rewards

in Hive Pizza3 years ago


Hey PIZZA crew! We're excited to announce that we have partnered up with the ONEUP squad to bring you another tasty diesel pool with some yummy rewards!

Enjoy! Make sure you give the ONEUP team some BIGUPS! Announcement post on-chain to follow in the next few hours


Special shoutout to @flauwy for being flexible and working with my crazy hectic schedule to see this happen. If you have not already, please do check out the ONEUP project. 1UP is an awesome gaming project with a 'Play2Earn' focus.


You've probably seen the ONEUP tribe already, but they're also planning additional front-end development and are looking to create bridges for NFTs over to HIVE. Exciting!

How do you get in on these sweet liquidity rewards?

Head over to BEESWAP here.

Once there, simply add the same dollar amount of each token in the pair. So if you did $100 worth of PIZZA, also do $100 worth of ONEUP, for example. After that, you're good to go. Sit and collect your share of the liquid rewards every day!

Note: You will miss the following 24 hour reward period after adding liquidity. Try to keep that in mind when increasing your liquidity amounts.



You can also delegate your HP to our curation account and farm your share of the daily $PIZZA rewards pool! The reward pool increases 10 tokens every 10k HP that is delegated to the account!


You can also check out the HIVE.PIZZA website here.


Join the PIZZA Discord server and $PIZZA NATION

Join our curation trail here

Vote for us as Hive-Engine witness here

Vote for us as HIVE WITNESS HERE


This is fantastic news! Go !PIZZA and ONEUP!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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 3 years ago  

Oh yeah! This is awesome! I know some folks in the community were asking for a pool like this! Great timing!


I had a feeling this was coming, wahaay!

Haha it was a no-brainer!


Gotta put some of those oneup tokens in that pool as well!
@solymi provide pizza please!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at


Pizza and games.. I can see how that works together!

Grea worj

This is lovely

 3 years ago  


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Congratulations, @theguruasia You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINEX With @thebeardflex.
You Earned 0.200 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/2 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.320

Very cool. This will be my first pool ever. I hesitated a long time, because I didn't really know, what diesel pools were until I read a few articles on Hive. The SPT/Oneup was a tease, but I resisted. Now, I'll jump in, as soon, as I've bought a few Pizza from the market.

If you're still wanting more information, I wrote a recent blog post that talks about Diesel Pools and answers a few common questions. You can check it out here:


Thank you Beard,
the APR's are insane :o)

Love this liquidity pools man, and I was already planning on stack some Pizza. Now it's the perfect time to combine that with some great passive income.

Thank you so much for the feedback! We hope you enjoy the rewards! Make sure you check out my latest blog post!


Lets go !PIZZA pools!
I totally have missed this opportunity yet.

We are very busy over at PIZZA! It can be very hard to keep up unless you're paying attention!


yes Sir! I will try to pay more attention!
wouldnt it be coul to use !PIZZE if you want to give more than one PIZZA? :)

This is awesome news - put some into the pool already.

One thing I did want to ask - if you invest in these pools do you earn anythign from pools with no rewards or are there earnings in those ones too?


You do not earn rewards unless the pool specifically states that rewards are available!

Thank you so much for contributing!


Thanks for clarifying that! It's much appreciated. I thought that was the case but I couldn't find anywhere that said it clearly.


thanks for the post, i am planning to add some liquidity into the pool.

Awesome! We have provided some really amazing rewards for liquidity providers!


Really excited to be one of the early investors and very excited for the future! I have no doubt this will become one of the most successful tribes to date.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure! We have some incredible things coming and we're adjusting our tokenomics to be less top heavy and more evenly distributed for stakers! Exciting things are coming!