Gaming Photography Contest: My Worth Pictures Wallpapers

in Gaming Photography27 days ago

Image edited with Canva

What's up community? Today I'm very happy to share again with you and even more gratifying is to do it participating again in a contest that I haven't done it for a long time, the theme of this week is very interesting and I'm excited to participate again, it's about photos that deserve to be on the wallpaper and well, I have some that come very well in this opportunity to share them with you, if you want to know more about the contest you can see it here.

Obviously as many already know, The Sims had to make presence in this post, I usually post mostly about this installment of The Sims in the community and this post could not be the exception, besides it has some very photographic landscapes like that snowy mountain that is one of my favorites, this time are night shots and honestly I feel it looks a bit scary...

I really like that snowy peak where I often take my sims snowboarding, it looks so beautiful that I would like to be there, the snow looks so soft and well, I'm not exactly fit for snowboarding, but at least I could sled... It must be very cold in that place.

From the extreme cold we went to the beach, which is another of my favorite places in the game as you could surely notice if you have read any of my posts, I took several screenshots but those two were my favorites thinking about a wallpaper.

When I saw that in this world illuminated the Northern Lights, it became one of my favorites and of course I could not miss in this post, it is completely beautiful and mesmerizing for me and that waterfall gives it its touch, it is beautiful.

In this post I wanted to show the two games that I am playing a lot lately, the first one as you could see, is The Sims and the second one is Shaiya of which I had already made a post about this game some time ago and in my blog you will find some other posts.

I was a little undecided whether to show you these screenshots or not, since it's a little old game and well, the graphics don't do justice to the most recent games where everything is amazing, but the truth is that I have made a lot of effort to complete the set to the character that is in the previous screenshots that I wanted to show off a little, of course, I still need to improve the pieces of the set among other things. Anyways, she looks pretty nice and by the way she is a Priest.

This is my other character, she is an Archer and she also came out very pretty in the capture, so much so that she deserves to be in a wallpaper hahaha.

I hope you liked today's post, the truth I felt a little insecure to participate since I saw all the so cool captures uploaded by my fellow community members that I honestly felt a little inferior 😅 but that's nothing, I always try to remember that we should not fall into comparisons and that we are all amazing, good luck to all who also participate. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading me and see you later in another post ❤️

Translated by DeepL


Those night aerial views of a snowy landscape look beautiful.

Right? It is so beautiful to see it hahaha, it really makes you want to have it as wallpaper.

The screenshots of the Sims are amazing, this game has very beautiful landscapes, I also got to play Shaiya at the time, it was very epic, thanks for participating.

Really? You should go back to playing hahaha! Thank you so much for your comment 😊