The war is just beginning | Call Of Duty Black OPS II

in Gaming Photography2 months ago



Greetings my dear brothers and sisters Gamers, I hope you all are well and that this weekend you can enjoy your favorite video games.

On this occasion I had time wanting to play once again to Call Of Duty Black OPS II, where if I remember correctly I could take good screenshots of the wonders that this game has both before and after the endless wars that can be had there.

I am not very fond of video games of the genre, but particularly this became one of my favorites, of the few I've played.

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The story of this video game is very interesting, a group of military experts go into a mansion to talk to an old man, he has very important information to capture Raul Menendez, a powerful billionaire mafioso, who has been making war on the U.S. to have total power over them and dominate the largest military presence in the world.

The story proceeds as the old man tells us the story of everything that has happened from beginning to end. The war begins and we can appreciate the first graphic wonders of the beginning of a war.

As the story is told from a before and after, always skip the chapters of the present past at random, but the story does not confuse you, but try to explain the why of things at all times, at one point I went to rescue a fellow who was imprisoned inside a container, inside there were thousands of corpses, among them, I found the person we were looking for, he was wounded and unconscious, but he was the only survivor of his entire battalion.


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Upon rescuing our companion, I began to escort him as we could to a safe place, but as the ship he was on had been joined by enemy attacks, we had to improvise to be able to call for extraction help, but the enemies here were many, in fact, there were even armed children, so it was too dangerous for both the children and ourselves.

We had found a radio station to be able to call for help, so we stealthily walked through this huge forest on a deserted island. One of the things that surprised me the most, was walking through the bushes in a crouched manner so as not to be detected by the military soldiers that were all over the area.


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When I arrived at the radio station I had my first encounter with the great mafioso Raúl Menéndez, a guy who at first glance was someone who was not afraid of death, although I pointed the gun at him, he never refused to be shot, in fact he provoked him more, and at the slightest carelessness he almost stabbed me with the knife.

Then things started to get complicated, but I still shot him in the eye, although it is not known if he was still alive after that, but something tells me he still is, only he must not have that eye where I shot him.

Everyone started shooting at us and we ran away from that place, when we got to the river bank, a helicopter was approaching and we thought it was from the enemy side, fortunately it was one of our friends, so we got on it and we were able to flee from that place.

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After that we jumped to another moment, let's say a little more futuristic, this time I was hanging between huge mountains where thanks to some gloves we were glued to it, the view was amazing and it was raining at that moment.

We had to swing in order to get as close as possible to our goal, when we reached the meeting point of our team, we opened the wings of our suits to glide until we reached our goal, it was a very amazing moment and I loved that experience.



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In another moment I had to ride horses to be able to cross the immense desert of the combat area, I really liked the animation of riding and the horse, everything moved so fluidly and with good graphics.

Before starting the mission I had to make a series of screenshots before moving forward, because the place was very amazing, entering a cave, some mountains in the distance, dilapidated buildings.


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Then they betrayed us and began to attack us, they kidnapped us and threw us to the most recondite of all this desert, it was something very complicated, but even so there was no other way but to see who would help us.

Overwhelmed, beaten and exhausted, a person rescued us, gave us some horses and we left the place to rest and prepare our strategies.

This game is a lot of fun, there are still many things to share here in this video game, even so, I have to continue with my adventure soon.

Thank you very much for coming here, I hope you like it, until next time.



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The separators are of my authorship, the images have their source, the screenshots were made in my player profile on my computer, the GIF edits are created by me.

This is the program I used to create my design:

Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

Traslated Deepl



I've tried hard to play Black Ops when I didn't have a good PC, and I couldn't play it and now they have so many cool installments. So, you can ride a horse in this game as well? Looks exciting. @tipu curate 8

awesome graphics what console did you play this on?

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