The Darker Side Of A Plague Tale: Requiem

in Gaming Photography2 months ago

When I posted about the beautiful sceneries of A Plague Tale: Requiem I mentioned that I would be back with another post showcasing the darker sides of this game. In my last post you mainly got to see beauty of this game. In this post you'll mainly get to see the deep dark corners of this game. The game really is polarizing in that way. You'll find yourself in this beautiful field of flowers and sunlight then 15 minutes later you're neck deep in a rats nest of pure filth, darkness and decay.

Luckily both of these scenarios look great on camera. I felt it was a little bit harder to make the darker areas look good with the photo mode due to the limited options that it has. I've seen some photo modes where you're able to put in and place your own light sources so that would have been cool to see. Still, I was able to snap some decent shots especially towards the end of the game where I felt like darkness was ever present.

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My absolute favorite photo from this series can be seen above. This is towards the very end of the game where everything is just pure darkness and decay. They did a really good job of the atmosphere in this area that really complimented the simple photo mode that the game has. A bit of increased contrast while reducing the saturation made this scene really moody. Reminds me of some sort of black metal album cover.

It was also during these late stages of the game where I noticed you had free flight with the camera even when using photo mode during cutscenes. Had I known about this earlier I would have been able to take so many more cool photos during this playthrough. I sort of make it my own rule to not snap to many screenshots during cutscenes as I feel like it's cheating. You're not composing the picture yourself in any way so what's the point? I'm still contemplating if I should do a NG+ run of the game so I might still be able to salvage some of those images.

But for now, enjoy the darkness.

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A Plague Tale_ Requiem_20240401124448.png

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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Oh Damn!! These are some stunning shots.I love the second last one with the bright red sky.

That's a good one. I was quite surprised to see the red come out even if the photo mode doesn't have any color options. It's just massively oversaturated.

Wow, amazing captures. I think I would use them as my wallpaper if they didn't have such a gothic content. 😅

They are a bit dark and gothic these, yeah. There can still be beauty in decay though.

The second last photo and the fourth last photo looks insane😃😃 it really gives off that darker feeling.

Iss the game any fun to play?

Cheers! Yeah, it's great. I'll be posting my end reviews in a few days so feel free to check that out.

Great and spooky photos, man. I like them. The last one was too spooky. I haven't played this game before, I think part of the game is free to play so I'll try that part at least.

Could be they have a demo out, yeah. You should check out Innocence first though. This is the sequel so doesn't make any sense to start with this one.

Alright, will take a look to Innocence first. 👋 Thanks for the advice

Ah man, I am still wondering how you captured that first shot. I bet if I would have tried to capture that it would have been a total black picture. Lol

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That's the beauty of photo modes. Being able to position the camera just like you want.

Btw, congrats on the most annoying spam signature every on your comments. People must love that.

They sure do.

It's amazing how carefully selected screenshots can make someone interested in a game. So far, I've ignored Plague Tale, but your pics show the kind of horror aesthetics I really like in works of fiction. Somehow, the screencaps remind me of the Stalker series and both Pathologic games. I just put the game on my wishlist, so job well done, Mr Pusen. Focus Entertainment should be paying you hehe.

What I appreciate even more is that you actually put some effort into writing and providing context for the pics. It really makes me want to contribute to the Gaming Photography community and, surprise, I'm in the middle of making my own Cyberpunk screenshot post. Thanks for the inspiration, lad.

All the images are impressive bro, especially the first one you share. There is a lot of darkness, but it's still beautiful and it looks like that's how you see it, you live the game with so much passion, good for you...

These captures are amazing, really amazing!

The publications of this video game that I have been able to see are very amazing, I did not know it had such a dark ending, even so, despite the darkness and chaos that was in those places you were able to get some excellent screenshots, surely the story left you satisfied with such an amazing game.

The unexpected twist that has this game where the sunlight illuminates even the darkest part of the game is very surprising, I did not know it had this twist so dark and evil, these screenshots look very epic, thanks for sharing it with us.

This picture looks amazing and I liked it the most though most of your captures look stunning. Well done. @tipu curate 7