Damaged Goods.

in Gaming Photographylast month

While crossing the ruins of a battlefield, Amicia, Hugo and Lucas met two young raiders, who used the orphans as a distraction to escape from English soldiers. Only Lucas managed to get away, while Amicia and Hugo were captured by the invading army.

In this new chapter that's called "Damaged Goods", I found Amicia in a cage when a guard came to give her some food to eat and mentioned that they'll need to take good care of us to get good ransoms.

After poking Amicia a bit, the guard left and I could see a part of this place where they've been caged. Now the question is, who is buying them as the guard talked about getting good ransom? And where is Hugo?

This place was secured enough but even after that, this man appeared somehow and opened the cage of Amicia and he climbed that big log like a ninja or something.

Both Amicia and I noticed another person, a girl hiding there and asking Amicia to get to her. Amicia didn't seem sad or scared even after being caged somewhere and without knowing where her little brother was.

She got out of the cage and silently ran towards that girl. That girl introduced herself as Melie and the other one as Arthur. They're young raiders who used Amicia and Hugo as distraction and got them caught the other day and now they came to save them.

Amicia was saying that its their fault and was asking where Hugo was but Melie was asking her to keep her voice down and to keep following her.

Now when we got close to a guard, Melie was saying that Arthur would make the guards move once I say what he should use as the distraction. With my approval, Arthur threw something on the cart and distracted the guard and I kept following Melie. And it looks like they're siblings.

Reaching this tent, I could se the shadow of that soldier wearing a helmet but Melie passed him without any problem but I was worrying about this.

Then I noticed that it was not a people, it were just weapons that appeared like a person as a shadow. We kept moving.

There was another guard that Arthur had to distract so we could move forward and I chose the barrel with spears to make enough noise that should distract the guard but when we were moving towards the other tent, those two guards didn't notice us.

And we were walking through this tent full of guards who were asleep being drunk. We had to be careful not to hit any bottles there.

Then we had to pass this place where a bowman was practicing shooting with real dead bodies. Melie got caught there for the first time I was delaying but we passed the second time.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.


What a difficult time you had brother, the stealth of hiding in the bushes is surprising, the story is progressing quite well

I'm loving how the story is progressing and I'm enjoying the story.

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This image of the stealth scene reminded me a bit of the ancient Japanese ninjas.

Yeah, he was even climbing like a ninja that I already mentioned in the post.

I know, that's why I mentioned it. The thing is, it reminds me of a ninja movie I saw but I can't remember the name now. 😭

I see.


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Interesting game, thanks for sharing.

@tipu curate 8

Thanks for the tip. It is in interesting game.