in Dronelast year


Rework of a trip to one of my favourite places in the world, the Dinorwic slate mine in Snowdonia, Wales. This time using one of the @JohnnyFPV Luts. Never used luts before but after seeing @hearnoevilfpv5790 video of Dinorwic using these luts I just had to have a go. Still prob needs a bit of tweaking and defo need to work on my camera settings but overall loving the effect. Lemme know what you think in the comments below

#dinorwic #fpv #drone


I have to admit, I had to look up LUT to see what it was. After I did, I do remember reading about them before. The colors and video certainly does look nice, and still looks natural. Maybe a pro could tell, but my initial watching it, wouldn't have guessed it wasn't just normal video caught in good lighting or ND filtering.
Well done!

Thanks @ksteem yeah ive never been a fan of them before but there defo getting more natural and cinematic

Loving the LUT's!

this is damn cool....

greetz and a !BEER

Hey @inksurgeon, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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