📷 River Lines

in Drone8 months ago

Today I have here a small selection of aerial photographs from Kyrgyzstan with rivers and streams: large and small, deep and almost dry. They have one thing in common: these rivers or their beds form clearly visible lines in the frame, which I usually like a lot:)

In general, different lines almost always look good in the picture and improve landscape photographs. Sometimes they play a major role, sometimes they simply complement, but one of the rules of landscape photography that I read a long time ago is to find lines and patterns for the picture.

With the help of lines (both straight and curved), perspective is conveyed well, they also help to smoothly lead the eye from one part of the image to another, and set the vector of movement when looking at the photograph.

Or the lines simply form an almost abstract pattern that is interesting to look at :) In this sense, I especially love rivers with winding beds, which are more often found in mountainous areas, where they constantly bend around hills and spurs of mountains or make their way through gorges.

Speaking specifically about rivers as lines, when shooting with a drone it is often easier to do this than with a camera, since it is not at all difficult to shoot from a point above the river, and it is enough to raise the drone higher so that the river turns from just a water surface into a distinct line, with which you can try to build a composition.

It's better to watch photos in high resolution.

Camera: DJI Mavic 3 Pro

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.