Fangirling is a part of my life

in Lifestyle4 months ago


Hello hive friends!
This is Devy and I want to tell you about one of the things that makes me happy, that is fangirling. Since mid-2016 I have idolized a Korean boy group called EXO. The EXO boy group has nine members and one of them is from China, named Lay Zhang. Due to his busy schedule in China, he rarely participates in group activities. So even though I've idolized him for seven years, I've never seen him in person. Therefore, when I found out that he would be holding a fan meeting in Jakarta, I became very enthusiastic. But when I found out that this event was free for a few lucky fans, I didn't expect much. However, I really didn't expect that three days before the event was held, I opened my email. I had the opportunity to attend the free fan meeting. I feel very grateful, finally I was able to meet Zhang Yixing or better known as Lay Zhang.




I'm so happy to be one of the four hundred lucky fans. It was a rare opportunity, so when I received the email I immediately applied for leave from my office, since the event was on a weekday. Thankfully, the event was held in the south Jakarta area and not far from where I live. I went there alone, but ended up meeting some new friends. We were all very excited to see our idols. And when the event started, I was dreaming of being able to see Lay Zhang in that not-so-large room. It was an experience I will never forget in my life. I had waited seven years to meet him. I am very grateful and thankful to Warner Music for bringing him to Indonesia. Not only did they provide free tickets, they also provided free snacks and drinks.





The show only lasted thirty minutes but I was very satisfied. After a long wait, I can finally meet my idol for free. I feel very, very lucky.

Some photos were taken by me with the Samsung A24 and some I took from the fanbase Instagram account.


Devy Swan

Devy Swan is a girl with a lot of dreams and imagination.She likes cooking, singing and traveling. Recently, in the last two years to be exact, she started learning to write. Although her writing is still not very good, but she has a hope that one day she will have her own book.


Yay! 🤗
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