My first wedding shopping experience for my cousin's wedding

in Lifestyle16 days ago (edited)

Shopping for a wedding is an experience filled with excitement and anticipation.We always shop for ourselves in the weddings but never shop for the individuals getting married so today i will share my first wedding shopping experience (for the groom and bride to be)with everyone.

(Video edited in capcut)
Shopping for wedding is an experience unlike any other,especially when its for your two close cousins.As this is the first wedding in our aunt's home so the atmosphere is very electrifying.The wedding is just few weeks away so we are rushing to market every day to buy stuff. Tbh i am not a shopping lover so i don't join them usually but yesterday my cousin was forcing me to accompany her so i joined her to the market.

With 90% of the shopping is done and all the outfits are finalized,our main focus was on finding good tailors and buying some remaining 10% things(like buttons,laces etc for clothes ,footwear for my cousin's kids and some traditional decorations for wedding).
Firstly we went to a footwear shop to buy some shoes for the kids.

In this picture you can see my nephew adoring his new crocks.We went to this shop to buy some shoes for the kids but i don't liked any of the shoes so i advised my cousin to order the shoes online for the kids.
Then my cousin started looking for some jewellery.

Despite my admiration for the jewellery i came across,i made the decision not to purchase any pieces because my outfits are still not finalised.
Honestly i got so tried after just an hour in market.My cousin's children were really giving me a hard time.🥲🥲
The little one was mounting upon everything he sees(behaving like a kid).

These pictures are the proof of my statement 😅 but he is a kid so he is supposed to do this so i am not angry 😤 💀.
Then we just saw some furniture and some utensils for my aunt's new home which is under construction.

After seeing all these things i was like let's go and eat something i don't really loved anything here and we will buy these thing some other day.
And we ended our shopping with a plate of biryani with a beautiful view.

The only thing i bought was a hair claw and some crepe paper.😅
Hope you guys liked my post.
See you soon.
Bye Bye 💞.
Take care.




Don't let that cute baby cry😘

Your first wedding🫠


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