Collection of antiques; satisfaction and prestige

in Lifestyle6 months ago

Hi, Hive Lovers

This is a photo of a collection of #Gazelle roadster bicycles produced in the 1940s and made by Royal Dutch Gazelle in the Netherlands.

I got the photos while staying at a hotel, and the owner proudly displays them regularly there. He only occasionally uses it when there are exhibitions or charity events in his antique bicycle community.

The owner happily and proudly said that all the parts for his antique roadster bicycle were original and that someone had offered the price of his bicycle to be worth a car, but the owner was not tempted by the offer. I admired him and wondered why he wasn't willing to give up his cool roadster bicycles.

Roadster bicycles are two-wheeled vehicles that have a long history, and in my country, they were successful before the war of independence. At that time, these bicycles were only owned by a few people, namely the nobles and the rich.

Currently, the roadster bicycle has become one of the antique items that is increasingly valuable and is increasingly sought after for collection by antique enthusiasts and collectors.

Antiques are old or ancient items that have value because they are works of art. Their value is determined by the rarity and age of the item; the older it is, the more expensive it will be.

Antique enthusiasts and collectors are willing to spend a lot of money to get their antique collection; it's all about satisfaction and prestige.

There are never any standard or definite rules regarding the prices of antique items; their prices are always unique and sometimes crazy and unreasonable. If an item has historical value, then it becomes increasingly sought-after, and the price soars.

If you are an enthusiast or collector of antiques, they are people who are dedicated, competent, and have the skills to care for their antiques. Even some enthusiasts and collectors of antiques also have an emotional connection with their collections. Like the owner of the antique bicycle in my photo, he is the fourth generation who has cared for this antique bicycle for generations.

Do you have any antiques too, and how do you feel?

About Me


I love the family antiques that I have! Not valuable, but knowing the sense of family history means so much!

Wave Media

I am very sorry and apologize for only being able to reply to your comment.
One very logical reason is that everyone will remember the history of something they own, and they will never throw it away. Losing an antique is like losing history, right?

Yay! 🤗
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