Caturday on Saturday

in Caturdaylast month

Hi, my dear friends!

We have guests again - the cat Taira and the cat Trisha. These wonderful Bengali cats belong to my friend. But now she has to leave for a couple of weeks to support her husband, who was in the hospital after being injured. Tyra and Trisha will live with us.

This is not the first time these cats have visited us. The first time was a little stressful for them. But they quickly got used to the new place. Especially since they were together, which means they felt more confident, because when you and a friend are not so scary.

Now they already know my house well and are even trying to start their own rules. In fact, they are very cute and kind cats. They also get along well with dogs and my rabbit Shokki.




What a beautiful company you have, both are beautiful, beautiful photographs @torem-di-torem

Good morning dear friend @torem-di-torem
What beautiful guests you have at home Tyra and Trisha are really beautiful
I take this opportunity to wish you a great weekend.