Feeding stray cats at my school

in Caturdaylast month

Hello cats lovers, I have an interesting story about a friend of mine who is a cat lover. My friend's name is Mrs. Fitri, every day she will bring cat food from her house to give to the cats at the school where we teach. In our school there are many stray cats who live in the school and sleep in the classrooms.


My friend likes this routine of feeding cats, so every day he will give food to the stray cats at school. Mrs. Fitri is indeed a cat lover, in her house she has several cats that she took care of starting from babies and now her pet cats have grown up. His love for cats amazes us.


Every day, during break time, namely at 10.10 WIB, Mrs. Fitri will distribute food to stray cats. The cats seem to be used to this routine, usually the cats start gathering in the teacher's room at 09.00 WIB to look for food. We teachers usually set aside breakfast for the cats.


Mrs. Fitri will also control the cats so they don't fight over food, so that the kittens won't be injured by the adult cats. Every Sunday it seems like the number of cats given food is increasing, the cats are happy with the school people who love them.


These wild cats really like the food we give them, they eat with gusto and comfort without having to worry about someone hurting them. Because cats have become part of the community at our school, sometimes cats will come into the classroom when the teachers are teaching and no one will chase them away.



There is an orange cat who is pregnant, her stomach is starting to get bigger, when she walks she is starting to have difficulty because her stomach is getting bigger. he ate very heartily without paying attention to his surroundings.


These wild cats are very tame, every day they will wander around the school, there is one wild cat whose fur is very soft and beautiful, this wild cat is very happy to be around me, every day it will welcome me in the parking lot.


he would wag his tail at my motorbike, then he would circle me. I don't know why this cat surrounds me, he loves it when I stroke his soft fur.


We are all very happy with the presence of this stray cat, it seems like this cat also feels comfortable at our school. Every morning they would greet us when we came to school and they would follow us to the parking lot in the afternoon when we came home from school.


Sincere affection for all of God's creatures will create the beauty of life and peace. All the good we do will come back to us.

Thank you for stopping by to read my post.
Best Regards