A #beersaturday after the night before...

in BEER8 months ago (edited)

It's most certainly a tame #beersaturday this week after an impromptu night out with some old friends that turned into a bit of a session.

Gif source from @onechicago on giphy

There's plenty to be said about being over 40, for example, you've got a bit more money in your back pocket, you give a lot less fucks, and you're generally more comfortable in your own skin. However, and there's always a "however" when it comes to life, there are certain things about being in the over-40's club that aren't so good...Take hangovers for example. I remember the days when I would go out on a Thursday night just as a warmup to the main event, that being Friday and Saturday nights. Most of my wages would be spent on alcohol and cigarettes during these three fun-filled evenings, with the exception of an allowance just big enough to cover a fried breakfast and a bit of Jamaican tobacco, both of which played an integral role in those daylight rehabilitation hours. This was a most-regular occurrence during my 20s and early 30s and at no point did I ever feel the need to tap out and cut the party short. My body was a well-oiled machine back then and its tolerance to poisoning was incredible! However, those days are long behind me and my body has since gone into a state of rebellion. One night on the sauce and I'm in need of medical attention the following day.

Gif source

There's no "hair of the dog" and no amount of fried bacon will ever be able to reincarnate my broken soul. I am out of the game, and for a considerable amount of time too! Nowadays, it takes 2 - 3 days to fully recover from a night out on the tiles. Unbelievable! I never thought it would come to this but it has and now I have to manage myself accordingly. Now, managing myself doesn't mean I no longer go on a session (I'm far too stupid to take that kind of evasive action). What "managing myself" means, is that for the days that follow a skinful of ale, I have to become a temporary monk, a man of absolute purity. In the immediate aftermath, only water and coffee are to pass my lips and then after many many hours of purification, I will eventually allow myself some absorbent, salty food (Ideally a roast dinner). On my 2nd day of recovery food and drink can be consumed at a normal rate, however, everything will be consumed in a mood of shame and repentance. Alas! Day 3 has arrived and I have returned to my human form (just in time for this week's #beersaturday!).

And that is how it goes for my 40-year-old self. The body may be tired but it is battle-hardened. And my head, yes, it is balder than a pool ball, but it is wiser and filled with great memories. Not a bad trade-off in my book.

So while I am in my human form and it is #beersturday once more, I will tease my liver with just a wee drink of the golden ale. Just the one beer for today, but a good one nonetheless...

Cloudwater - Crystallography



Cloudwater is a Manchester brewery and a fine one at that. Over the many #beersaturdays that have passed, Cloudwater has certainly been a brewery that I've featured more than once. Today's offering is an 8% West Coast DIPA (A title that rolls off the tongue). Crystallography. Not a bad beer at all. Looks and tastes much like Belgian ale. Shame about the head as it lasted about 3 seconds after the pour. I like head.

This was an average beer when measured against other craft ales so I was slightly disappointed. Hay-ho, we take the rough with the smooth and hope that next #beersaturday brings me more fortune when choosing my ale.

I hope you have all had a fantastic #beersaturday! Until the next one. See ya later!!


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Cheers mate

You're welcome. My suffering is always good for a laugh 😉

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Cheers! Will be better next time! 🍻


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