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RE: Beer Saturday - Barrilito, Small Beer in a Tiny Barrel

in BEER3 months ago

Nice! So there IS a culture of hangover cures (with a tad bit of alcohol) all over the world. I like the word regmaaker. It sounds like making yourself regular again. I think I will adopt it for my own use.

As for the taste of Barrilito... honestly, there are even commercial beers in Mexico that have a fuller flavor. Otherwise, I may as well drink a Radler (a beer-lemonade-mix, popular in Germany, supposedly among cyclists).


What we would classify as a beer-shandy when mixed with lemonade, although they too vary in mix. Not heard of a Radler but I'm not a cyclist either.... 🙃, only done in school years!

Lighter beers with good flavour on hot days not too bad, full bodied beer always better, black heavier beer in winter is ideal.

Hahaha, the Radler shares its name with the cyclist, but that's about it, I think. Though it is true, on my cycling trips I did always enjoy refreshing myself with one.

Perhaps it is popular here with cyclists as well, researched and found Amstel sell Radler here, just shows you I don't drink beers with too much fruit... 🙃