Daily Life As I Go To Work.

in Hive PH2 months ago


It's a good thing that we are here again, breathing and enjoying life even if it's full of ups and downs. Well that's the better way than to sulk about it, right?

I hope that you had a good day so far as this one reach you. For me I had a good day till now since customers this day is not that many due to the reason that there's no classes of schools here in our province. I don't know the reasons behind it but I'm pretty sure that it's a relief for the students out there who's been in a hell week last time. It was according to the students who came to our shop to review for their back to back exams huhu.

As you can see in this one, when rural meets nature plus power lines crisscrossing the sky above a quaint street with majestic mountains in the distance.

I took this photo when I commuted to work when my father was busy in taking care of our first rice harvest this year. Together with my grandma and cousin, we walked to the highway from our house.
That long concreted road going up to the mountain was the road I took everyday as I go to school back then, but the difference is that it's not concreted so students now in our area are very lucky to walk on to that concrete road without worrying of any discomfort while traveling.

That road also serves as a pavement for farmers here in our area. We use it to dry our rice grains when it's wet. Ofcourse we don't occupy the whole space, just the half of it and usually the left side.


As the sun rises at the east giving light to the world, it woke me up saying that it's another day to be grateful for everything.
This kind of scenery is one of the most awaited moments I look forward every morning. I often wake up early just to witness it and it's all worth it all the time. I will never get tired looking forward to every another sunrise as long as I live.


As you passed by that house in the first photo along the road, you can witness the tranquil scene of rice paddies with towering mountains in the distance.
I captured this one while our tricycle was moving and I'm glad that the result came out good.
This kind of scenery here in our place is one of the blessings also as a citizen in this area.


I continued to take shots till the middle part of the road and stop after how many shots.
As I browse the photos that I took, to my surprise to see what's in the background.
As you can see if you zoom it out, a cute little bird resting in one of the power lines.

To be honest in my younger days I really wondered why they can rest on to that line with the fact that it's a power line. Later on I found out that it's safe for them unless there's an open wire.

Nature's tranquility in it's finest. A picturesque rice field against a blue sky, with towering mountains adding to the serene ambiance.
This is the beauty that you can witness when those vast rice fields has been worked out and rested for days before planting of rice.

As I continue my journey to my work, I also witnessed this one.

Farmers giving life to the vast rice field, surrounded by natural beauty and majestic mountains

Seeing this one reminded of my late grandfather and gave me a teary eye afterwards. Remembered the good old days together with him. We had a lot of fun in the middle of our rice fields and those memories will be cherish through out my life.


As the tricycle face towards the east, this is the view you can see, a super majestic mountain ranges that can be seen as one from afar but when you travel closer to it, it's a compilation of two to three mountains if I'm correct. Isn't it amazing how those gigantic mountains came to existence giving us the scenery that calm our minds and hearts.


And this is me, arrived at our shop five minutes before the one hour gap before the time of opening.

My day has been great already as I travelled to my work. My mood has been already set and ready for another game.

In front of me is the national highway already. The location of our shop is a little bit dangerous since we don't know when an accident might occur and will involve us.
Actually there's an accident already that happened in that intersection. The involved was a doctor rushing to her work and a jeepney driver driving smoothly.
We don't know what happened after the commotion and when the police came but it's clear to our eyes that the doctor was at fault since she's the one rushing to cross over the highway knowing that a jeepney is approaching the intersection area.


The day started great and finally the day was done and got to get home early haha. Usually our time of going home is ten in the evening since there's a lot of customers who really like to come and dine in during closing so we got no choice but to extend a litte bit of time and patience ofcourse haha. But sometimes they don't care and can't read the atmosphere.

A tiring day every day I must say but one day this kind of situation will change as long as I don't quit so just go with the flow for now ofcourse with a twist making it exciting.

That's some of my daily life encounters as I go to work and thank you reading.

Live as long as you can and as long as the sun rises there's another hope.

Peace out...

 2 months ago  

Ang ganda ng view mo araw araw pag papasok. Parang nakakagana kumilos pero parang ang sarap din na tumambay na lang sa lilim ng mga puno. Pero di pwedeng tumambay at may apat akong pusa na umaasa sa kin. Haha. Lilipat na lang ako sa lugar na may ganyang view.

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