When Being Competitive Takes the Fun Away

in Hive PH28 days ago


Today was family day at my husband's company. They brought the families of the entire team to Kidzoona in Venice Piazza. My daughter has been looking forward to this ever since we told her about the event. Although it was a fun day spent with my husband's co-workers, it was a bit too exhausting. I think my social battery needs a whole month to recharge after all the social interactions I did for the last few weeks.

Anyway, an interesting thing happened while we were at the play place. Kidzoona organized an event of fun and games for the children. My kid, being who she is, wanted to win at every game. She would raise her hand as fast as she could, would shout out the answer louder than everyone else, she just wants to wipe out the entire competition.

Then, there was a game where the host involved the parents. I don't know if my husband has gotten good at hiding for stuff like these or if he was just too busy talking to the bosses, my daughter literally dragged me from my seat so I could join her to compete in that game. The host then announced it was a game of bring me. My hand holding my bag, my daughter eyed me as if telling me to be ready for whichever item the host is looking for.

It just so happened that there were older kids that were far quicker than her, she couldn't get the chance to be the first to run to the emcee. I can see she was getting teary eyed, the face paint around her eyes was already running. She was in the zone and she really wanted so badly to win. I knew there will be tears afterwards.

Sure enough, there was. Oh, my competitive little person. I had to pull her out of the area and have her sit down to relax. To be fair, she has already won an award. She just wants to win some more. Oh, my heart. She needed to calm down a little bit because her energy was so high, it would burst out of her. We had a little talk.

I reminded her that we went there for only one reason. To have fun. That's her sole purpose for that event. She could meet new friends, talk to Tatay's workmates and bosses, play with other kids, all if it would bring her joy. Clearly, her competitiveness was taking away that joy. I certainly know how that feels. Back in the day, I also used to be that kid who always wants to get the "very good" comment of the grown ups. And it does suck if I don't get the medal, or the award, or the recognition.

So I had her sit down for a few minutes. We just had a little talk about being too competitive and how her focus should only be at having fun. We waited for quite a long time - 10 minutes maybe for her to calm down. The games were still on, they were playing another game. I asked her if she would want to join in again. When she said she does not want to play for the prizes anymore and that she just wants to enjoy the slide and the trampoline, I let her be. After a few jumps and a few rounds at the slide, her sour mood was subsided. The games were also over and all the kids can now enjoy free play.

I could have just told my husband that we're going home after that tearful incident at the bring me game. I'm glad I did not react that way. I myself needed to calm down because the noise and the chaos, along with her tearful reaction at the games was stressing me out already. I'm glad we stayed on until the event was over. We got to meet my husband's bosses, had a little chat, my daughter showed them her boxing moves, everything turned out fine for all of us.

We had a little detour to another mini playdate with my daughter's friend and when we got home, we were all exhausted but we all had fun. How about you? How do you deal with your kids when things get a little bit too competitive?


Copy of Nanay Romeski (4 x 1.5 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (2 x 1 in) (3 x 1 in) (4 x 3 in) (2.5 x 1.5 in) (3 x 1.5 in).png


Cute story! :) I'm biased at being competitive, for me that is a plus haha. What is important is that win or lose, we learn. Accepting defeat is also a good emotional exercise; but hopefully not to be a defeatist. hehe

 26 days ago  

Yeah. Losing is a part of life. Lalo na sa mga parlor games. Haha. Kaya pinapasali ko talaga sya sa ganyan. Inaalis ko na lang pag kita kong magiging extra competitive na sya to the point na nagiging upset na sya.

 28 days ago  

I think my social battery needs a whole month to recharge after all the social interactions I did for the last few weeks.

No kailangan mo pa mag gala mars kulang pa iyan!

How about you? How do you deal with your kids when things get a little bit too competitive?

Never thought of the workaround pa dito, since di naman ako competitive type and happy go lucky kiddo lang ako just incase that Dyn will be in that side of competitiveness I will just remind her that it is not always about winning but rather enjoying everything. Kita mo si Papa, sa sobrang pag eenjoy sa mga bagay bagay di na pumapasok sa school. HHHAHAHA

 26 days ago  

Hahaha. Dami pa nga naka linr up na gala na may meet up with people. Gusto ko lang sana gumala na nagko crochet lang o kaya basa ng book. Haha

Nice tips. Thank you.

Nakakatuwa na magkaroon ng anak na sobramg competitive at lagi binibigay best niya para maging proud parents niya. Pero at the same time, kailangan din talaga natin sila iremind na dahan-dahan lang kasi baka nakakalimutan na nila yung enjoyment and worst, baka magkaroon pa siya ng kaaway.

 26 days ago  

Haha. Naku kahit wala pa syang ginagawang extra measures, proud na proud na ako sa kanya. Bukambibig ko nga madalas sa kwentuhan. Kaya sabi ko sa kanya kalmahan nya lang eh. Baka ako mawalan ng kalmamente eh. Haha

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I love how dedicated your daughter is to winning but she also needs to understand the fact that there are some competitions that were just for fun and theta guy is remain that way instead of taking it to heart

 26 days ago  

She feels really extra when she wins and likewise, feels extra bit sad when she loses. Especially when it's not her fault she lost. Haha

Reading your blog really touched my heart Po, not just gentle but understanding. Well, understanding is a part of being gentle... You've handled the situation amazingly Po.

Your daughter sure is lucky to have you as a mom po❤️

 26 days ago  

Haha. Thanks. Naubos ang lahat ng energy ko sa pagpapaka gentle sa mga ganyang situation. Iniisip ko na lang mas mauubos energy ko kapag tinopak sya kaya kinalmahan ko na lang talaga.

This is the time, if the children have confidence, then the whole life becomes easier for them and you are working very hard. I have been watching the children for a long time.