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RE: How did you spend your Christmas? [An Update on the Super Typhoon Odette Donation Drive]

in Hive PH2 years ago

God bless your kind heart Pat ☺️ Thank you for all your kind words and uplifting spirit when we posted how we were affected by the typhoon, you even offered some help. I can feel how heartbroken your sister is, even me, seeing my parents reaction and how sad they were after the typhoon destroyed our home. Yet, we chose to remain grateful for being able to celebrate Christmas as a family. Let's keep our faith stronger and I know together we will rise up stronger than ever. 🙏


Aweee @sassycebuana, it's always my pleasure to help and to let people know they're not alone during these trying times. Any burden feels better and lighter gyud when shared. The feeling of celebrating Christmas with a complete family is priceless and let's always treasure the gift of our families no matter how hard these past days have been. And yeees! Things will be a little better as the days pass. Let's hang in there! 🤗✨🙏