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RE: Plagiarism, Pitchforks, & Witch-Hunts... Hive-Style!

I think if you aren't earning from it, then it's hard to get a plagiarism claim to stick, so pointless going after people on most sites sharing things all over the place. The issue with Hive is the earnings side of things.


You raise a good point, financial incentive has interesting effects on issues that would be relatively clear-cut otherwise. That said, there are people earning money off their audiences, as well as plagiarized content, on all these platforms. Many people have an Instagram business, or make bank off their YT channel, plagiarized or not. Is that any different from Hive? If so, to what degree? Hmmm...thanks for giving me more to think on @minismallholding ! Wishing you a great day! 🙏