Spreading Hive's Goodness- The Third Wave of Hive Orientation at the Province

in Loving HIVE ❤9 months ago


The Hive orientation for newbies on this platform continues to be looked forward to and enjoyed. We never fade and never get tired of our constant spreading of Hive's goodness to our fellows in the Northern part of Cebu.

Good day Hivers! There was an instant plan for the orientation when @indayclara and @intoy.bugoy called us one gloomy afternoon. The venue was planned first. Sir Intoy. bugoy asked me if we could do it at another school because if not, the house of any bloggers will do. Without any doubt and hesitation, my eagerness for this orientation to be realized motivated me that we can have it at our house. Then, the schedule was set and it was on September 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.

The planning

The success of this event was our preference. We invited our friends and co-teachers to join this orientation so they will benefit also.



The food is planned well too. We are so blessed that some of the co-teacher bloggers contributed to the foods to be eaten by the participants during and after the activity. We were thankful to @missleray, @netswriting (even if they weren't able to come, still they contributed), @jobeliever, @callmesmile, @mommyjane, @annetimistic and @iamgagz09 for the services offered in helping us grilling the fish and the pork.

Since I'm the host, all the stuff needed was listed to make sure that these would not be forgotten. The internet connection, the Smart TV, the HDMI and the proper set-up of the tables and chairs. Preparing these ahead of time is relieving to my feeling.

The Awaited Day

I woke up early in the morning. The set-up was ensured that it was properly arranged and there must be proper ventilation too. The internet connection was secured and the tables and chairs were arranged accordingly.

It was Sir Intoy who arrived first. I was glad to have seen him again. I can feel his undying support for this platform. We waited for Inday Clara and Sir Kim's arrival. After 35 minutes of waiting, finally they arrived. I was overjoyed to have seen them again. I'm so happy they arrived safe and sound.

The advent of Hive to our lives offers great potential that bridges us to many benefits. This motivated our invites to be at the venue whose eagerness was overflowing. After a few minutes of waiting, all of the participants arrived.

The orientation proper


The orientation was facilitated by @indayclara, @ybanezkim26 and @intoy.bugoy. It started with the introduction of ourselves, how long we have been on this platform and how it helps us. Our testimonies brightened up the invites' mode and they were exhilarated already.



During Inday Clara's time, she discussed religiously about the Hive Ph onboarding program. She emphasized clearly the biggest Don'ts and Dos in this platform. She elaborated on the difference between Hive from the others. The knowledge she imparted to them clearly, opened up their minds and they understood about its goodness.


For Sir Intoy's time, he elaborated on how to use Peakd. Afterwards, he tackled the different communities in the platform where they can publish their future blogs. The shared knowledge of Sir Intoy was beneficial to them, it served as their guide once they were officially registered.


The expertise of Sir Kim regarding the OCD program enlightened everybody's willingness. Being on this platform is truly incredible. The more they were motivated after the three speakers tackled Hive clearly.

The Photograph Opportunity- Happy and Ready




The pictures will always be kept as an emblem that reminds the memories of being together. After answering the different questions raised, the picture-taking was done. They were now ready for their Hive journey.

Eating time



Food symbolizes love. To show how grateful we were for a successful orientation, the lunch was prepared. It was not lavishly served, however, it was prepared with love. We set a long table where the lunch would be served. It was done uniquely. We have a boodle fight style of lunch. With contentment and satisfaction, we have eaten happily.

The quick bond


After eating our lunch, we ended our day with a quick bonding by connecting with nature. It was indeed a fruitful day. Once again we never failed to Spread the Goodness of Hive. It was such a grateful feeling that we were able to share the blessings we received from this platform.

Forever we are thankful for the time, money and effort rendered by Inday Clara, Sir Kim and Sir Intoy for this great event. We are lucky enough to have them.

We are expanding, growing bigger and bigger every day. Our untiring support in spreading Hive never ends. To more sharing of Hive's goodness.


Yehey! Thank you for bringing me into this community @naymhapz❤️❤️

Wow! The very gracious host..Congratulations for another successful Hive orientation @naymhapz.. Kugihan kaayo oyy!

Forever grateful to you @naymhapz for bringing me into this platform. I wasn't able to support you in preparing the foods because I was late.

Thank you ma'am @naymhapz for always giving time to this program. We are grateful to all of you guys.

Yaaaay! Hive bloggers are growing, bigger and bigger gyud ayyy.😊

You're doing great work!
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Congratulations Mam Marf and company for another onboarding seminar.

Thank you for everything since then you encouraged me to join Hive. Right now, I really enjoy doing it. I hope more newbies will join Hive and make their life story as an inspiration to others.

 9 months ago (edited) 

Thank you so much ma'am @naymhapz for hosting the orientation❤️❤️❤️You are one of those people who brought us to the world of Hivers❤️🙂So grateful to you and to the brilliant speakers❤️❤️❤️God bless🙏🙏🙏