HAPPY EARTH DAY monthly contest.

in DIYHublast month

Hello friends, and greetings to the world on this happy Earth Day! We often refer to Earth as our mother because of how it provides for us. However, we often fail to take care of it, and this is causing many problems for humankind. While it's great that we take one day a year to remember Earth and show our gratitude, it's not enough. We need to be practical and take action to make our planet better for future generations. thanks to the #DIYhub community for giving us a chance to show our ideas to invest in the earth through this monthly contest. As a symbol of my ideas on how we can invest in our planet, I have created some paper crafts.

The material I used colored paper and recycled material
3 A4 color paper sheets purple, green, and blue
transparent glue
Cryline color pencils
Old CD for making rounds.
1 recycled cardboard
water bottle empty cardboard box.
pinch of glitter.
To create this craft, you will primarily need paper cutouts that can be arranged and fixed in the correct order.

Make two circles on the blue paper. and cut them.

Draw a globe on the green paper. and cut the shapes.

Using glue glue the continent shapes on the blue circle.

Cut a tree trunk shape from cardboard and color it brown with a crayon. Create leaves from leftover green paper scraps.

Glue a sheet of white paper onto a cardboard and create a purple paper border around it.

Cut green paper into small tree shapes and blue paper into circles. Use paper scrap to make symbols for the slogan.

Glue all small pieces of paper cutouts in an appropriate order.

And fix them one by one on the cardboard sheet.

Finalize the craft with small details.

Here is my gratitude to Mother Earth.

Thank you.


wow, you are multi talented women, perfect cooking to perfect Artwork...you are fabulous.. 👍🏻

Thank you very much everybody has talent just need to know where to use it. :)


nice post. we can all contribute.

Yes we work together thank you :)

You have created something special and beautiful, not everyone can create such things and the colors you have used add to the beauty.

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thank you very much for the curation I appreciate it. :)

Most welcome dear.

Congratulations on this learning strategy, it turned out nice. Best regards 🌼🌷🌻🌺🌹💐

Thank you very much. :)

Yeehaw! What a creative way to show appreciation for Mother Earth! Keep spreading those positive vibes and inspiring others to take action.

Thank you :)

Rest easy, pardner. Your words are like a cool breeze on a hot trail. Take this moment to bask in the stillness of the prairie and know that your presence here adds a touch of warmth to this digital campfire.

I do my best to respect Mother Earth, nature and be grateful to all elements: Earth, water, fire, air, and space. Thanks for the compliment. :)

You're a sage of the land, findin' peace in the embrace of nature. Your gratitude paints the world in hues of harmony. Keep on sharin' your light.

I appreciate your nice poetic words. and my gratitude for your attention. 🙏🙏

It was very nice and very useful to make a call of attention to take care of the earth, our home.

Quedo bien bonito y muy útil para hacer un llamado de atención aque cuidemos la tierra, nuestro hogar.

Thank you for understanding the message. :)

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