Diy on how I made my traditional wedding blouse .

in DIYHub4 months ago

Hello beautiful and creative hiver,

How was our night rest I hope we all slept well is been a long while I posted in this community have been busy with work trying to round up with work and planning my traditional wedding is timing consuming,I would want to create my content but I will be tired and sleepy but thank God today I had it in my mind to be here this morning .


Today I will like to share the cutting step of this beautiful traditional blouse I made for my self, I will like to bring to all my friends on hive notice that my traditional wedding is coming up on 24th February so you all are all invited 😄😄😄. although have not fully finished sewing the blouse but it still looking good to where I stop.

Cutting step


firstly I cut on the satin material I bought so that I will not make mistake on the George fabric so I measure 5" out before taking the full length because is an off shoulder blouse and the length of the blouse is 25" then the burst is 39" and the waist is 37" after inputting the measurement I 4" at the centre and I draw all the horizontal line to get my breast curve .



After cutting the front piece I place it on the material to get the back, then I place each of the satin I cut on the net George to cut out every piece .


After cutting the blouse I made use of B 6000 gum to gum the net together then I also gum my material stain so that it will look firm on the body .

Sewing process




After joining all the bodices together I make sure I iron every stage of sewing so that it will look neat after I'm done sewing .
After that I made use of hand needle to attach the applique pattern on the George to the blouse before joining the side .




I hope this blouse will come out well after I'm done , I will make sure I share the final look of this blouse after I wear it my self in this community .

Thanks for visiting my blog and reading my post I will appreciate your lovely comment and support 🥰🥰🥰.



Very good sewing work. The dress is coming along beautifully.

Thank you sir for lovely comment.

Congrats to you. The dress will surely come out well.

I can relate about the tiredness.

I love how you used the fringes.Really good choice and really creative.
I love this

Thank you 💕 for lovely comment.