DIY/Valentine package

in DIYHub4 months ago (edited)

Every February 14th we celebrate love [Valentine's day] by sharing gifts and receiving gifts as well, valentine is not only for people who are in a relationship we can also share gifts for our neighbors or people around us, because if we don't love eachother we can't live in the same compound. But my gift is going to my husband anyway because this is our first Valentine's Day we are celebrating together.

I made a Valentine's package for my lovely husband and these are the material I used.

Round plastic
Plastic handle
Red fabrics
White fabrics


I made use of a pen to draw a round shape on the carton, and the foam.

Then applied gum on the foam, placed the red fabric on it, and set it aside to dry.

After that I applied gum on the plastic body then made use of the toothbrush to spread it all around the plastic, then I placed the red fabrics on it, and I also set it aside to dry.

I cut another round shape from the carton, applied gum on it and then placed another piece of the red fabric on it.
The round plastic was already dry by the time I was done with the round cartoon so I applied gum at the bottom of the plastic and then placed the round cartoon with fabrics on it, I set them aside to dry.

I cut rectangle shapes from the white fabrics and then twisted them in three places.

I applied gum at the tip of the plastic bottom then placed the twisted fabrics on it to cover up the place.

I applied gum on the remaining twisted fabrics and then used it to draw a love shape on the plastic.

The foam and the red fabrics are already dry so I place a round carton inside the plastic and then put the foam inside as well.

I made use of scissors to make a hole beside the plastic then put the handle inside the hole.

Lastly, I made a greeting card with cardboard and red paper so that I could put it inside the bowl.

I also wrapped a gift inside a fancy nylon and now my beautiful Valentine package is ready.

I hope you like the package, and thanks for stopping by.
Note: All the images belongs to me.


Please when you’re giving the gift to your husband call me so I’ll receive it for him.😂 make sure to make a package for me also because what sort of oppression is that.😭😂

The end result is really 💯 . I’m sure your husband will be more than happy.👏❤️

LoL 😂 no problem I will send yours as well
Thanks for the beautiful comment 🫂

I’m waiting. You’re most welcome.❤️

Go and look for your husband ma'am😂@nhaji01


Te ha quedado genial, es una muy buena idea @princess-dara, muy buena su entrada, para usted mucha suerte. Agrdecida por haber compartido.

I kept on saying wow from the beginning to the end
This is really thoughtful, your husband is definitely a lucky man.
I love the whole set up

Hahaha 🤣 am glad you love it

 4 months ago  
@princess-dara just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @abenad! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:

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This is so beautiful thanks for sharing dear.

beautiful friend, it is a very special detail for a special person.

With gifts to loved ones. Prodigious skill has created a profit that parachutes through. I hope that God blesses you with all the skills.