He Comes Through.

in BDCommunitylast month


He is a good Father that always comes through undoubtedly
Everything with God is planned even though to you it might be unexpectedly
He knows everything that worries you and this is not supposedly
How wonderful are your works oh Lord, they are undeniably
God sees the intent of every heart and our tears are in His bottle certainly
I can go on and on but His love is for all ages and it's absolutely immensely
When everything looks overwhelming and words fail you, you can count on Him assuredly
Even when you feel He is far and you feel neglected, His concern is unquestionably
He always comes through and it's not a one-off because I have seen Him at work repeatedly
God hears your spoken and unspoken words admittedly
This is not me hypothetically speaking but things I have experienced delightedly
Most people expect a miracle...wanting God to move in exactly the way they want dramatically
He can, but He is dynamic in His ways and likes to show off with better ways systematically
He's got the perfect timing and you just have to trust the process critically
Like your life depends on only His help and have faith He sees and knows, don't do it politically
As humans we want to always see things coming...as we speculate and calculate mathematically
He does things dynamically so you have to trust His process unapologetically
He came through for me...He comes through for me...He will come through for you specifically
Your heart can be without words because He knows but never let your words be without a heart... heartedly

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


This kain God, another one no dey oh. I love that song because it perfectly explains this poem. God is dynamic. God is amazing. God is awesome. He comes in different ways and form. We have to connect with faith. Faith appeals to God.

This song rings a bell in my ears always and if we are being sincere, God wouldn't be God if we can tell what his next move would be.

He is great and there is no doubt about it.

That's it. That's just it. God won't be God if we can predict His moves. It's not like placing a bet and see how it clicks. God is dynamic and comes in various ways.

No matter how we try, he is unpredictable. Scientists are try to give explanation to everything happening in the world but deep down, I see beyond many fact and discoveries out there.

Another one no dey o. Another one cannot exist sef. He is beyond description. He blows my mind every time. Despite my imperfections and lack of faith when being burdened by worries, He shows up to remind me that He is still God...always will be. I am grateful to you, God. I love you.

God doesn't deal with us based on how we are but based on how He is. As you rightly said, He is a good good Father. A Father like no other.

A Father like no other. I love that. Yes, God deals with us based on how He is not based on how we are. This is deep.

Beautiful praises to the king👑 when the world comes crumbling we all realize that God is the only one - It's a fact and no one can dispute this!

Thanks for the uplifting words and words of reassurance ✨

I'm glad you love this and it's uplifting. That's why the Bible encourages us to share our testimonies so as to encourage others or even strengthen other people's faith. Thank you.

Amen. God never fails 🙏

Absolutely. He never fails and He always come through. He wants the best for us, always. Thank you for that.

He always come through. I have also seen God at work in my life. He shows up when my back is against the wall and give me relief.

Remember that song...He makes a way... When my back was against the wall and it feels like it's over...God made a way. He's a waymaker.

I can never forget that song. I love that song too. God shows up. God always make a way. Thank you for lifting our spirit and helping us increase our faith.

I am thrilled and more than happy to. You all give me the encouragement to keep sharing and expressing myself. I enjoy you all. Thank you.

It is true that we work hard and wait for success and if we don't get it, we get sad, but after a while our God gives us something better than that because He knows all things. And he knows that we are working hard in life and no human's hard work has ever been wasted, so always ask your God from your heart and work hard, then you will get success in every case.

God always give us something better...way better than we can imagine. Way better than we can think about. He knows the best and what we need...when we need it. Just as everyone thought Jesus came late for Lazarus but He was right on time according to God's template.

I have experienced this thing in my own life that we wanted to buy a car and we didn't have enough money but we didn't stop working hard and then God gave us a beautiful and big car. Even when sitting inside the car, they always thank God.

It has happened to me that I am impatient to receive an answer from my father, that is how I consider GOD, but I know that sooner or later the answer will come, I always trust in him

It's human to be impatient because we want to make things happen quicker and faster but God knows the end from the beginning and as much as we are going through process, He is also interested in building in us the needed strength.

He works in mysterious ways and no matter how much we try, we can tell what Baba will do next.

There is a handicap guy trending in Nigeria and I was moved to tears when I saw his ministration.

Sir, who would have thought that God can show his greatness through such a person?

No wonder we call him, Awamaridi...

God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wisdom of the wise. That's why the Bible says if humans won't praise God, He will raise stones to praise Him. It's a privilege to worship God yet some see it as a burden. Ah. Such a pity. God is perfect in all His ways.

Seeing worship as a burden is a huge mistake humans make because with or without us, God will always remain God.

What a great God we serve...

He is dynamic in his ways

Indeed. Sometimes we expect to get the same response or effect as someone else because of similar situations or processes but He has his own plans and doesn't follow our own expectations or plans.

The same God that gave David a strategy to win a war told him not to use the same strategy for the next battle. We can never predict God and that's why He is supreme. I love God and His ways.

Very correct, he may have been tempted to use the same strategy without consulting God and if he wins he would begin to think it is by his own power.

God never leaves you, he is always with you, humans are his most precious creatures. No matter how hard is life, just pray and he will solve all your problem.

We are made in His image. Often times we forget this because we are busy being consumed by the cares and worries of life.

Yes, agree with you here, we have made our life too much cluttered and difficult that we have forget, he is the only one who can solve all our problems, he can provide what ever our needs are, but we don't turn to him, instead we try to do all things by ourself, which is a mistake in my point of view.

We try to do things on our own thinking it's by own our strength. God is God and will always want us to rest and trust in Him. We have to. Thanks for this brilliant comment.

Very great poem, quietly could be a prayer because God surprises us in different ways as HE only knows what each of us need and only remains to have faith and do our part for him to work in all of us, we must always seek him even if the picture does not look good because he is bigger than the problems we may have, thanks for sharing this nice message my friend♥

We need to continue to have faith in Him because our faith pleases Him. He sometimes do something different for us just so we can have faith in Him. His ways are dynamic and He loves us too much.

Thank you, my friend.

Always brother we cannot doubt even for an instant of HIM so that HE can fulfill all his purpose in us, we should rather increase our faith towards him at all times, as long as we have God on our side HE will do his work in all of us, thank you my friend for sharing these great posts ♥

I am honoured and privileged to share this. You all make it easy to share my thoughts through poems...your engagement and dedication makes it so easy to want to deliver the best always. Thank you.

You are unique and special friend, thanks for sharing all those great and interesting thoughts that help us a lot and that apply to life itself, not only to me, I'm almost sure to most who read you and comment you, have a great weekend ♥

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There are times when we think the roads are blocked but God will just come through in a way we don’t expect
God is kind

The master strategist...the waymaker... When the chips are down, He knows how to show up and show us He is the greatest that ever exists. God be praised. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus for giving us access to the Father.

This is just the perfect message I will say that defines my month of April. I so much face a lot in the month of April but thanks be to God that he came through even when I was not expecting it. I was actually at the verge of giving up but God came through for me in so many ways I was not actually expecting

It takes a grateful heart to reflect and see that the difference maker is God. God shows up. We need to watch His pattern, understand that God won't leave us stranded...and this increases our faith.

Perfectly true. It really takes a grateful heart for us to see what God has done and what he is still doing in our lifes. We should constantly be appreciative and knows that we are actually nothing without God

We are absolutely nothing without God. There is nothing we have or can have that we don't or won't owe to Him. In Him we live...in Him we breathe. Thank you for this.

Yeah we are absolutely nothing without God and we must actually understand that. God is our beginning and our end. We must not always remove him from the equation. He is always part of the equation any single day