Let It Be Seen In You.

in BDCommunity26 days ago


If you want your life to count, there must be focus on love. You can't do everything but you must do the important things first and love is one of the important things to make to count. The Bible told us to love God and love our neighbours. If love isn't important, there won't be a lot of emphasis on it.

Most of the times, God is Not bothered about what you have achieved or what you are going through per say...but in your character. God wants build your character even with your achievements and the things you are going through. Once your attitude or character is wrong, everything you thing you have achieved won't truly stand the test of time nor the things you go through won't be able to build others up because character is missing.

The best use of your life is to love. You are made to love...God...your neighbours and of course, yourself. Love validates our faith and God is love. If you are indeed a child of God, you will want to be like God. Love proves we are His children as it reveals the identity of who we are. Whoever doesn't love doesn't know God because God is love.

Love also integrates our life together; every aspect of our lives. Love binds us together and it's necessary to make sure that the dominant force of our lives to be love as this is what helps us to overcome what life throws at us or the challenges that comes with life.

Love compensates when we err because the state of the heart would explain how we respond to situations when next that same situation present itself in similar fashion. Love echoes forever. Most of the time, you won't be remembered for what you have but for what you have given away. You can give without necessarily being in love with someone but you cannot claim to love people without giving. The state of your heart matters.

The best expression of love is time. You can't claim to love someone without creating time for them. Relationships are so important but we hardly give it time which is why we don't get the most out of them. Most of the times we love with words and not action and we expect people to be okay with it.

Most things that kill a relationship is wanting to do everything now. We always want to do everything now without actually building or waiting through process. Character and love is build during process. Live a life filled with love for others. It's hard to love others when you don't even love yourself...so when you love yourself, you understand what it means to love others because you wouldn't want to do against others what you wouldn't want to be done to you...you will want to love others the same way you want to be loved.

Now is the best time to love. Cultivate the habit of loving others genuinely and allowing your heart to feel regardless of past hurts. People will hurt you, disappoint you but that's on them and not on you. Keep looking for the channels where your love can flow. It's hard to love those who are not lovable but that's the true test of love...that's what love means...loving especially when it's not easy...that's the true definition of love. God loves us even at our worst state.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Love isn’t just about romance and all. Let’s take a look at Dara’s video you uploaded two days ago. No one has to tell us before we find out that the girl was brought up with love
Teach your kids how to love and unite people
Love is a great feeling

I saw that video too and that video exhumes love. Pure, innocent and everything I saw in that video depicts love.

Thank you very much also. Love is the bane of our existence and we need to foster love everywhere we go.

It should be our default mode not these selfishness and wickedness that has plagued human existence now. With love, we can achieve anything.

We can be strong and irresistible with love...we can achieve anything...do anything and go several miles.

Thank you so much, my darling. You know how to make me smile. Thanks, bestest. Love is the number one rule we should pursue in this life.

Perfectly true. We must careful pay attention to our character because that can really go a long way in either pulling us up or pulling us down depending on how it is. We must always show proof of love all around and people must see it in us every single time no matter what.

We need to show proof of love everywhere we go because that's what will show us what we truly believe in. Love is the way...if we love truly, most of the problems we face in this world would be solved.

Perfectly true. Everywhere we go, people must see love been replicated and shown in our life. It must actually reflect the lifestyle of love and nothing else. You are right most of the problem we face in this world it is due to lack of love actually. If love is introduced, it will settle a lot of things

If love is introduced, we can see a lot of things change faster and quicker than we can imagine. Love is the key.

I love the emphasis on "love" love is actually a major reason for existence, if there isn't love, then you're not living. Humanity revolves around love, and Christianity the same. Love isn't expressed by words but by time allocation and action. Great one 💯✨

You're welcome. Time and actions are indeed the two major determinants that help us measure, or rather, quantity "love." Without them... well, we know what to do next. Have a nice day ahead ✨

With love, we would always find the time and go ahead with the actions. Love wants to express and love is backed up with actions.

Thank you, brother and have a great rest of the week.

We always find time for who and what we love. Love is by actions not just words. Thank you very much.

It is true that in our Islam it is also said that one should take care of one's neighbors and if you have so much money and you are living a good life and your neighbor is a troublesome one. If he is living, then it is your duty to help him and make his life easier, so in the same way people should take care of their neighbors if they want to live a good life. That if any person in the neighborhood is troubled, then all the residents of the neighborhood should help him so that he too can lead a happy life.

The world was built in love...we were created in love and we have to express that love to everyone around us because we are one. Jesus said, in as much as you haven't done good to those around you, you haven't done it to me. Love should be our only language.

It is true that the reason we came into this world is to love each other so that each other lives well because one day we all have to leave this world but now that is not the case at all. Happenings are only talked about with each other for meaning.

The need for love in the world we live in today can't be underestimate and God emphasized on it for a purpose.

Let's take a look at the situation of the world today; I have always had a strong feeling that the world can only be better if we can just obey that one commandment of loving our neighbors as ourselves.

With love, there won't be war, government wouldn't become evil, there won't be kidnappers or even terrorist. It would be a peaceful world.

With love, most of our problems are solved, as a nation, as humans... everyway we can think about it. There are so many selfishness and greed because there is no love for one another other than most people's pockets.

Selfish interest and greed is why many go about showing fake love. Once there is nothing to benefit any longer, they walk away.

If this behaviour keeps dominating the world, nothing will improve and the human race will be stuck like this till eternity.

Love is important. Love is beautiful. If we have people loving each other, then the world will be a better place. You can't give what you don't have. Only those who have love in their heart can truly understand what it means to love.

I agree with you that the reason why many people can't give love is because they done have it. Love is something we must develop, we must allow it flourish in us so that we can influence others with it.

Very true because most people can't give what they don't have. Their love is misplaced and it's obvious to see with how they do things.

The absence of love influences our decision really and it explains a lot of things many humans do in the world today. Allowing love in our lives will change a lot of things, it would birth a new world.

Yes, brother. We can't give what we don't have. We have to find love within ourselves, love ourselves then we can give out. Most people don't love themselves so it's hard to love others.

I absolutely agree with this. Absolutely spot on. Let love lead...

Only those who love and knows what love means can exhibit or display the fruits of love. That's deep. Love how you put it as it inspired me also. Thank you very much.

You inspired us to be truthful. There is a whole lot of wisdom in your post for everyone to grasp and build on. Thanks to you.

Thank you very much. I am encouraged and humbled as I always say. Deeply appreciated.

Loving those who are not lovable, that's actually not easy. Perhaps that's why it is considered the true test because loving the lovable comes with great ease and you can't but just love them. But giving love and not expecting a return, loving someone when they are in their worst state, that's out of the ordinary truly and is very commendable.

It's the true test because it's harder to love those who are not loveable...those who don't even love themselves deep enough. It's a hard task but that's the true test of love.

Great post friend as always you bring us on this mothers day Sunday, it is usually like that, we should always treat everyone the best way we can, the real test is when you love without being loved or when someone is going through a bad time is for courageous people and not everyone is willing to do it, but in the end love is what moves this world, great post friend, happy start of the week and happy mothers day to your wife ♥

What day is best to share about love than Mother's Day hahaha. Thank you my friend. Your incredible support and kind words means a lot coupled with your impressive comment as well. Thank you.

Hope your week is going great?

In true love is the very willpower of each one of us at all times and in all places, only then can we in one way or another contribute to make the world not so difficult at all, my week is going great thank God I hope you are having a fabulous week too my friend.

Thank you, my friend. The week has been amazing so far and thanks to God for that. It's going to end well and be a nice ease to the weekend too. I wish you the same, my friend.

I am happy for you brother believe me yes, thank you for bringing us such great posts, may God's love continue to bless you and everyone close to you always, he is loved and appreciated enough ♥

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At the mention of love, sexual relationship is the first thing that comes to people mind whereas it's not so.

God has shown and declared his love for us in numerous ways and we just have to follow his path in showing love to the everyone around us.

God is love and love in its true essence doesn't have to even do with romance or sexual relations...it has everything to do with how we treat one another.

I felt blessed reading this and believe that a lot of people felt the same way, God is love and as his children, we have to love as well.

The wounds of the past are difficult to heal, my sister made me bullying for so many years, I cannot forget this, if people analyzed before doing so much damage, I would possibly think several times about doing it, the bad traces that this leaves are never forgotten

I'm really sorry, my friend and your sister's actions cannot be excused at all. It only shows she lacks the capacity to love as well which is sad. Some people are in our lives to show us how not to behave. I know you have the heart to love because you are an amazing breed of human. I am thankful for you.

Love is actually a lifestyle that I actually believe our society should Cultivate the habit of living in irrespective of whatever it is actually. We should always try to spread love around in our families and even in our society as that is what is actually required actually

It's a lifestyle we have to cultivate...it should come to us naturally without having to fake it. It should be genuine and engraved into our core as humans.

You are right. It must not be fake. It should come naturally and we should express it all around the world. A lot of people need to be shown love and we must show it to them genuinely without not faking it

To whom much is given much is expected. Most people want to be loved yet they don't know they are also suppose to show love as they have received too or at least, to attract the love they desire.

You are right. They have actually forgotten that it is two way things. You love people and then you get love in return. Simple as ABC. A lot of people just as you said want to be loved but did not actually want to show love to people. It does not actually work like that

That's super powerful and profound man
... Love is that driving force we need to go through with anything and come out victorious..

Love is the driving force...it makes all things beautiful and makes life easier and better for us.

Absolutely man, I feel the blues😂😂😂👌

You are perfectly right. We are all expected to love and that is actually what we should show to people around us without not been ashamed. We need to spread the gospel of love and that can really happen also through our character and also through our lifestyle