Living The Life.

in BDCommunity2 months ago

Let the rain come down and let it wash away your tears
Everyone in life try to get through life even amidst their fears
Courage isn't the absence of fear but the presence of it, so everyone bears
Life can be tricky, sometimes others pick your silent sound and your shout no one hears
Being strong sometimes can leave you burdened as your tiredness wears
Have the courage to accept the things you can't change
Stop focusing too far ahead sometimes as it's overwhelming, focus on what's within range
As it encourages you to enjoy what's within your control - that's turning a new page
We bug ourselves about what lies ahead which often leaves us in the cage
We even spend our salaries way ahead of time before we receive the wage
Plan ahead, think ahead but learn to also live in the moment, strange?
Enjoy nature and let the rain wash away your tears for a change
We are consumed by eating more than we can chew in the moment too, such rage
Living this life calls for wisdom as balance is needed in everything, use that gauge
We live and learn, we learn from experience to do things better than we did
Learning from others, that's wisdom too but know yourself as no one else can
Life is a mystery and you have been given it as a gift
What you do with your life is what counts and the lives you gave a lift
You only live once and being overwhelmed by life isn't a smart way to mental shift
This poetry came in a different form today but do you catch the drift?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


You have to live your life. Live in the moment. Don't get too worried about the future. Take it one step at a time. Do your best at every given time. Life is life, it goes on without you. This is another eye opener. Thank you very much.

"Life is life and it will go on with or without us," this is awesome and a truth that many people wouldn't admit. No one will be here forever and we just have to live life the best way we can.

Life goes on and our impact and what we do with our time is what counts to be honest. We won't be here forever. Only God lives and never ever dies. Thank you 🤗🤗🤗

Only God!!! To know this is to have peace. When we understand this, it is easier to live our lives to please God and solely depend on Him.

Life goes on with or without us. Our time here is limited so we have to watch out for ourselves, live a life that eases us of worries and take each day as it comes by giving our best always.

Thank you very much. You are also one of the many people who gives thoughtful comments and share insight into my posts. Thank you for being consistent and for sharing your wisdom. Bless you.

I am happy to and thank you for your words of insight too. What comes from the heart touches the heart as you have once said. I can't forget that.

Hahahahahahaha you are one smart reader. And you retain too. Yes, it's one of my many favourite words and I have used it a lot over the years. That shows how consistent you have been on this page. You deserve a reward. Thank you.

The message is loud and clear. Time passes very quickly and it would be a mistake not to enjoy every moment we have the privilege to because we don't know how long this journey will last.

At the end of the journey, the moments we took a break to enjoy will sum up the beautiful moments of our lives.

This is beautiful. I love how you captured everything here. Wow. Absolutely spot on. Nothing more to add.

Learning from you is huge, keep blessing us from your knowledge sir. Happy weekend in advance sir and my regards to the family.

Thank you very much bro. I feel blessed and excited to have you always. God bless your days. Yes o, weekend in view. I will be working all through though.

Please ensure you rest after the work, it's very important.

The importance of wisdom in life cannot be overemphasized.
Focusing on distant events would not only wear us down but also limit our ability to maximise the present and when the distant event finally arrives we may not even be adequately prepared for it.
Taking it a day at a time is mostly encouraged but wisdom must also be applied because life is not fixed and there is no hard and fast rule

It always delight me when I see people express deep understanding of the post and you absolutely nailed this. This is a very impressive comment. Thanks for this.

Life can really be tricky for us at times but we must always have courage and just like you said, courage is not the absence of fear but the presence of how to handle it. No matter what life throws at us, whether it is a dry season or the rainy season, we must always be strong and strong and continue to keep going no matter what it may actually be. We should also understand that season changes, there are times we will have a dry season in our life and there are times we will have the rainy season in our lives

Season changes, life changes and life being life, waits for no one. We have the ability to change things from our side and have the courage to accept the things we cannot change. I love this your analysis.

Perfectly true. Seasons changes, life brings to us sometimes what we don't expect at times. A Joseph today as prisoner can become a prime minister tomorrow. We should never look down on anyone no matter the situation they are into right now

Never look down on anyone except you are trying to hold their hands to take them up. Life is unexpected and we need to have a good heart to be the best of ourselves.

Perfectly true. Never look down on anyone because you don't know tomorrow. Only God knows tomorrow and the God that knows tomorrow can really change situation in just a second. Life is filled with unexpectedly

Another great writing from you friend, how well you mention the message is clear and precise, we can not stay stuck in a past that can ruin us the present and our future, life in itself is hard but if there is fear simply do things with fear, we know when we are born but not when we leave so it is important to live in the best way possible and take advantage of every moment of happiness that comes our way, it only remains to always give the best and enjoy what we have at hand, thanks for sharing ♥

Thanks for always being here. I always enjoy reading from your wealth of experience and this is really good comment as usual. Thank you, my friend.

How my mom says to be grateful at all times because we can still walk because every day is an opportunity that God gives us every day and know how to take advantage of every moment of happiness that we have at hand, thanks to you my friend because I enjoy your posts very much, they are very enriching for everyone ♥

We have to be grateful for the simple and little things of life because that's where the true and real beauty of life is. Thank you very much, my friend. Bless you always.

Likewise my brother, may God multiply all those good blessings that you wish me for you and yours, may God continue to fill you with wisdom at all times and at all times, mi hermano ♥

This reminds me of the saying "yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift". I love this poetry.

Today is a gift we have to cherish. Today is the yesterday you worried about. Live in the moment and cherish what you have in the present.

In summary,

  1. live life wisely, strike a balance between things.

  2. Plan ahead for the future but also enjoy the moment.

  3. do everything in moderation, Too much of everything is bad.

This is an amazing post @olawalium . Somewhat different from your regular poetry, but still beautiful and comprehensible💯✨

Nice and easy summary. I absolutely love how you highlighted this. Thanks a lot for this. It delights me as I always say when people show deep and accurate understanding of the post. You did justice to this. Thank you.

Moral of your story is past is gone, future is unoredictable and always love and live your present.

I love this summary. You did good justice to this post which I just read too. This is very good overview.

I absolutely love how precise and concise his response is. It's sweeting my belly hahaha

🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂 sweeting the belly like a jelly to the belly. See what you made me do there. Hahaha. You are rubbing off on me.

😂😂🤣😂😂 this is beautiful to read and even say out. I had to say it out as I read it. Thank you for that.

Nice and easy. Very accurate and spot on I have to say. The past is the past. No need crying over spilled milk. Enjoy the present and do everything to make it count.

Life comes with series of challenges so we should always be ready for what is next to come. Most importantly, we should always face whatever comes our way. A loser is the one who gives up and to avoid being a loser, we have to face those life challenges

We should always face things head on. We have to muster the strength and courage to push through. Forget the past. Pick the lessons from it and move on to make today a better day than it was yesterday.

In today's difficult times it is difficult to live a good life but we should still try to forget the difficulties and live a good life because life does not know when it will end if we enjoy it. If we live, then our health will be much better and at this time the conditions of the whole world are bad.

We need to live. We need to take each day as it comes. One day at a time while giving our best to what we believe in. Thank you for being here.

It's like that, we all want to live a good life, but even after working hard, people are not earning enough money to provide a comfortable life to their families. Most welcome dear.

I like what you say, life is a mystery and for me a gift from GOD, or rather a loan that we must take advantage of by doing our best.

Life is a gift from God which we must use very well. What we make out of it is our gift back to God. We are temporal sojourners here.


You continue losing all curation rewards from upvoting this blacklisted account "precab"

Oh. I am sorry too. Duly noted. I saw her argument that it has been cleared that's why I also upvote. I guess I will also ease off then.

Thanks :-)

By the way. it is not "her". It is mandate/biyimi pretending to be his girlfriend.