
in BDCommunity2 months ago

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You meet someone in a minute and it feels you have known them all your life
There is a magic at work there and it's like a man sometimes meeting his wife
You have also known someone all your life and suddenly there is a knife
A knife that cuts the chord where someone you know becomes someone you knew
Everything that links you up together suddenly went down the drain and flew
The connection you once had with this person suddenly closed up and grew
For every wall unamended the gaps would always brew
It is easier sometimes to ditch the old person you know for the new
But for every flaw in maintaining relationships, the new would also become the old
And when that happens, the cycle continues and you see your heart in a fold
It takes wisdom to see a king in a see the best in a flaw - see the gold
Every relationship requires an effort and that effort requires watering
We all want to go to where we are celebrated rather than where we are tolerated
Friendship as with every other relationship requires someone who is dedicated
You might not have the same attitude or match the same energy but sacrifice is the word
Every relationship comes with a level of sacrifice
As long as it costs you something, that's more than enough
Relationship is never done in comfort else everyone can keep friends
Most people lacked the ability to keep one because they want to do it easy
Sacrifice is the primary key to achieving and sustaining any relationship in life
Without it, it's like planting on a ground that's not fertile - nothing will thrive

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Very cool and accurate words friend, usually I am that typical absent but not distant friend, if you call me or need me I will be there in that circumstance, friendship is the basis of everything, but we must always keep those solid foundations to keep it strong and last for many years and put aside some things to grow together at all times, thanks for sharing this wonderful post friend ♥

Thank you very much, my friend. It's all about sacrifice and our time is a good sacrifice to give anyone we consider a friend. Time is money and a valuable asset too. Happy weekend.

Of course you are my friend, you are sacrificing something that will never come back and that is time, but with good friends that time is well spent, besides being of quality and those sacrifices are very valuable most of the time, I wish you a great and blessed weekend my friend ♥

Thank you very much and I am incredibly grateful to God for having you as my friend too. You are doing well and grateful for the gift of you. Thank you.

Thanks to you friend, with you I certainly don't waste my time hahahaha, on the contrary I like your posts a lot, besides nurturing or rather reinforcing my knowledge with your wise and great advice, I also thank God for your friendship so genuine with me, I will always wish you the best in all aspects ♥

It means a lot to know you are spending valuable time to read, engage and learn from the posts. Nothing makes me more happier. Thank you and enjoy the new week. It's going to be a great week in Jesus name. Amen.

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Hey @olawalium, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Time is money and time is an asset like you rightly said. Whoever gives you his or her time has given you something he or she can never get back. Time is money.

Time is money and it can be easily converted into money, so time is an asset depending on how we are using ours. Thank you for being here as well.

I would gladly spend my time here because it's worth it and it pays off. You deliver the best and it's only natural to engage and share honest view as well. Thank you for your consistency in giving us the best. You invested time for us your commenters as well. That's worth something.

Accurately put and thank you for your kind words. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Indeed, value goes both ways.

Yaaaaay. Thank you so much. I deeply appreciate your support. It means a lot. Deeply appreciated. Super excited. Happy weekend.

In any kind of relationship either friendship or the romantic relationship, there is always a sacrifice to pay. It can’t be that easy. At the same time, there are some people you’d meet under a hour and you both will be so connected and it will look like you’ve known each other for so long…
Friendship is beautiful if you have one who truly loves you as his or her friend

It's never easy and that's why sacrifice is important. If it comes easy then everyone can naturally keep a relationship. It requires time and effort. It's about the effort in meeting and keeping. Thanks a lot for this.

There is no relationship without commitment. As you have said, anyone can do it if it's easy and because it requires efforts, that's what separate the intentional people from those who want it easy. Thank you for reaffirming the importance of friendship/relationship.

That's what separate those who are intentional about relationship from the others. I felt that. That's accurate. It's the effort we see that makes us know how we are celebrated or tolerated. Thanks a lot for that.

Thank you very much too. You always bring out the best and the creative being in us. Thank you very much too. Have a blessed week.

Yes o...a new week. Today was okay and I am praying the rest of the week is blessed and greater too. Thank you very much.

You mentioned a very vital point here and that is the fact that every relationship comes with sacrifice. There are a whole lot of friendship that is really need to be nurtured and must not be lost. There are a whole lot of people I have met in my life that I don't even know how I really meet them or how we became friends and even till now, we are still friends actually. There are some relationships that we must not lose because they are ladder to our very top in the future

Very well put.. you accurately explained and nailed your analysis of the post. This is absolutely spot on. There are some relationships we must invest time and effort that.

True. There are a whole lot of us which do not understand the concept about relationships and friendship and so because of that we have lost vital people in our lives who should have helped us to the top. Sustaining a relationship or quality friendship is just about paying sacrifice. Giving all it takes and investing in it to make it not only to work but also to be actually sustained

Absolutely. To sustain a relationship or friendship, you need to invest time, energy and that's what makes it count... Friendship means - "I can be anywhere else but I chose you".

I love the last statement you actually make mention of. Friendship means I can choose to be other places but I choose to be where you are. That is a powerful statement for everyone to understand that friendship and relationship is all about investment and sacrifices and not only that but also that we should value quality and good friends we have in our life. They really need to be cherished and loved

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Hey @olawalium, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Both things have a special importance in our life. At start we spend 20 years of our life with friends and that relationship and that time is very special. All friends are very sensitive to each other in every difficult time. Help, if you have such friends then you are also very lucky because nowadays it is impossible to find such friends and in life every person is talking to each other for their own meaning. If the meaning is gone then they don't call each other again and again when there is work then calls are made then life is going on like this if you have a sense and friend then you are lucky.

And now if we talk about inheritance, this thing is also very special. If it starts after marriage and love for wife, then man should also value his wife because she is his own for him. She leaves home and starts living here and works here to make your life easier. She gives you blessings like children. A woman should be given a lot of respect.