Photochain Challenge: 117th Edition Start - 116th Edition's Winners

in Feel Good2 years ago

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Hello World!

This is the 117th Edition of the Photochain challenge. The Photochain Challenge is a blockchain-like photography contest. If you would like to know more about, read the Photochain Challenge INTRODUCTION Post on HIVE. There, I explain the functioning of the contest and how to participate. I changed the rules of the winner prize a bit of editions ago.

In this post, I'll announce the 2 (two) winners of the 116th Edition of the Contest. Within the next 72 hours, I'll reward both of them with 1 HIVE - as explained in the rules - and will post in the comment section of the 116TH EDITION the transaction confirmation links.

And the Winner is...

The 116th Edition counted 5 (Five) valid participants

The two Key-Subjects were:

Squirrel and Shorts

These are the 2 (two) Winners of the 116th Edition:

Winner 1



with a watercolor painting
congratulations to the author

The personal subject is Ball

Winner 2



with a puppet before light shorts

The personal subject is Bell

As I promised, I will award the 2 winners with 1 HIVE token each, and I will award the other 2 photos that I appreciated more during the edition with 1 HIVE SBI.

The first honorable mention:


by @hindavi

and the second honorable mention:


by @adinapoli


Thank you EVERYONE for participating in this week's contest!
@gems.and.cookies @adinapoli @eolianpariah2 @hindavi @zoricatech

I also invite you in the new edition with all the Steem and Hive participants

I received ECENCY POINTS to redistribute during the edition. So, I will award each valid entry with 10 Ecency Points (up to the 25th entry). Soon I'll send the Points to the last week edition participants.

The Feel Good community became an ARCHON-supported community , so you can enjoy the benefits of the Archon landscape, a community with its own token and reward system. You can find more information on the OFFICIAL ARCHON COMMUNITY PAGE or on its DISCORD CHANNEL.

A big thank you to @archonapp




I explained in the Introduction Post that you can participate by submitting a photo in the comment section below: you must be the author of the photo.

The photo must contain the 2 Key-Subjects - that will be communicated in each post of the New Edition - and another key-subject of your choice (also contained in the photo). I also explained there how the key-subjects will change and the criteria with which I'll choose them.



Are you Ready?


This weekly edition is the:

117th Edition

The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are:


Another difficulty edition to the end. A difficult choice for the mentions, in one case with half-valid participation, in the other a photo resulted from the union between two different images. I decided to reward the first with a mention and to send 100 Ecency points to the other one as compensation. Now, another edition at the start line: an easier couple, maybe. It could be more difficult due to Bell as key-subject. We'll see what you can find.




If you have any doubt, follow the practical example in the Introduction Post. Furthermore, I add a practical example in the comment section of the Zero Edition Post and you can consult the previous edition to know more about how can the comments be.


Reading more about it

photochain fund_ADDRESSES.jpg


Now it's your turn.


Transfers to the Winners & to Steembasicincome


The Winners:

Tx 01
To @hindavi

Tx 02
To @adinapoli

And the Honorable Mentions:

Tx 03
1 Hive SBI
To @ninahaskin

Tx 04
1 Hive SBI
To @eolianpariah2

Congratulations, excuse me for the delay, and thank you to join the contest! :)

thanks a lot


Congratulations to the winners and
honorable mentions of
the PhotoChain Challenge!
@hindavi @adinapoli

🎉 📷⛓🏆🎉

thanks a lot. hope 2 c u this time around

Thank you🙏 Nina this time is hope you will win this time😊🏀🔔.

Happy to be back after missing out coming up with anything for last week's keywords!

Please find my Photochain Challenge entry and link here:

Good luck to everyone!👌📸⛓👍

if you ever watched statues playing a football (soccer) match then you surely have realized that instead of the referees using a whistle they use a bell. i do not know why this is so but it just is- at least here in this part of the world
anyway for this contest with the keywords BALL and BELL
i am adding my personal word(s) LEFT FOOT.
my choice is inspired by the moving autobiographical story My Left Foot by Christy Brown. He was an Irish writer and painter who was paralyzed with cerebral palsy so he learned to type, write and paint with only his left foot. the book was also made into a great movie with the same title. check it out.

Thank you to join in Eolian a nice finding. Only a note, the key-subject can be a union of more words, but only if the words indicate a unique concept in particular (as example, "Snow bear"). In your case the subject is "foot", "left" is an adjective that only indicates the particular property of that subject. I think I will have to consider only "foot" as a valid key subject. I hope this is not a problem for you. :( A little bit of !WINE and !BEER and a big good luck!

thanks for the feedback, wine and beer. cheers. after consuming both the beer and wine i am in an agreeable mood and have no issue with your concerns about the validity of the left.
also in politics the left has gone too far left so i left them behind. so just as well to leave out the left in this instance also.
that being said My Left Foot remains as an inspiration to this day even though it was written in 1954 and filmed in 1989.

:D I never read the book you talked about, but maybe I will take a look to learn more about it in the near future. Thank you for your note and again a big good luck :)

Congratulations, @davidesimoncini You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINEX With @eolianpariah2.
You Earned 0.200 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/2 Successful Calls.


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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.390

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Hey @eolianpariah2, here is a little bit of BEER from @davidesimoncini for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

thanks for choosing my bell! congratulations to the other winners. it would be more interesting to see more entries. this time the theme should not be so challenging

Thank you to join in Eolian :) !WINE

Congratulations, @davidesimoncini You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINEX With @eolianpariah2.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.261

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This time I should not miss it. It doesn't look so hard to find ball and bell and put together in the same photo.

Congratulations to the winners!

thanks. i will look forward to your entry

Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions. See you in the next Round 👏👏👏

thanks and likewise congrats

Thank you 🙏very much davidesimoncini and congratulations to all winners.

To you :) !WINE

Congratulations, @davidesimoncini You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINEX With @hindavi.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.261

Swap Your Hive <=> Swap.Hive With Industry Lowest Fee (0.1%) : Click This Link
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Interesting contest I want to entry.

I enjoy, we wait for you :) !LUV 1

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Ben ritrovati, amici. Il mio post per partecipare ...

Hi, Davidesimoncini, greetings🙏 here is my entry for this challenge.