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RE: Keep the Positivity and Handle the Bully

in Feel Goodlast year

Very interesting "life lesson," my friend. As you rightly (IMHO) view say, "what nerve" ...

What it represents to me is a powerful example of what is wrong all over everywhere. That is the mindset of entitlement! "You" (whoever that might be) OWE (whatever I might want) me (anyone with this malignant mindset)!

Here in America (and I suspect there, as it is "universal" ...) that mindset would be particularly prone to "come out" with someone who is represented as "rich" and / or "privileged" and / or ?...? (fill in the blank with anything else that represents not taking any personal responsibility, but being a "victim" ...)

Okay, that is enough out of me. This is the reaction reading your post provokes in me, as it is an insidious and widespread malignant mindset. And, ultimately, very destructive.

As I am sure is the case, rest in peace knowing you did something good. And don't let fools like this ruin your day.

Keep "fighting the good fight!"

And, until "next time," here is wishing you a wonderful celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ!


P.S. In this guy's snippy response, I do not know what the word "viand" means:

"It would have been better if these come with something for viand."


Oh, so it's not only here in the Philippines that people have that "you owe me" mindset. It is not a consolation, though. I just hope people get to there senses.

Viand is a dish you pair with rice. We have a Filipino term ulam for that but I guess there is no direct English translation thus the generic viand.

May you and your family have a blessed Christmas and new year! 🎉🌟🎄🌟🎉