Phone Photography Contest-08. A new friend. // Un nuevo amigo.

in Feel Good18 days ago

Nice day friends of the Feel Good community. Thanks to @untilwelearn for promoting this contest for those of us who love to immortalize our experiences through photographs. In this new edition of the contest I would like to participate by showing you someone very special. The new member of the home.

Lindo día amigos de la comunidad Feel Good. Gracias a @untilwelearn por promover este concurso para los que amamos inmortalizar nuestras vivencias a través de las fotografías. En esta nueva edición del concurso me gustaría participar mostrándoles a alguien muy especial. El nuevo miembro del hogar.

This little friend is a three-month-old Pekingese dog. He was baptized with the name Zeus, like the king of Olympus and I think he took his name very seriously because he believes he is the king of the home 😂.

Este pequeño amiguito es un perrito pequinés de tres meses. Fue bautizado con el nombre de Zeus, como el rey del Olimpo y creo que se tomó muy en serio su nombre porque se cree el rey del hogar 😂.

This cute puppy is my daughter's new playmate and he steals everyone's hearts with his tender look. He is a very naughty and rowdy dog ​​par excellence. He is always running happily from one place to another, it seems like he has batteries, because he is not calm for even a second. He likes to steal the attention of everyone around him and thinks that all the affection is for him. This cheerful companion is the perfect addition to the family.

Este tierno cachorrito es el nuevo compañero de juegos de mi hija y se roba el corazón de todos con su tierna mirada. Es un perrito muy travieso y alborotador por excelencia. Siempre está corriendo alegremente de un lugar a otro, tal parece que tiene baterías, pues no está tranquilo ni un segundo. Le gusta robarse la atención de todos a su alrededor y piensa que todos los cariños son para él. Este alegre compañero es el complemento perfecto para la familia.

Pets come into our lives with a very special mission. They come to teach us how to express, with actions, unconditional love for others. They also teach us to be present in the lives of those we love, to be loyal to them and to protect them at whatever price is necessary.

Las mascotas llegan a nuestras vidas con una misión muy especial. Ellas vienen a enseñarnos como expresar, con acciones, el amor incondicional a otros. Además nos enseñan a estar presente en la vida de los que amamos, a ser leales a ellos y a protegerlos al precio que sea necesario.

I hope my story has been to your liking. Thank you very much for taking a minute to read my post. May good energy be with you. I wish you a nice day.

Espero que mi historia haya sido de su agrado. Muchas gracias por tomar un minuto para leer mi post. Que la buena energía los acompañe. Les deseo un lindo día.

The text was translated by Google translator, because English is not my native language.

El texto fue traducido por el traductor de Google, porque el inglés no es mi idioma materno.


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Thank you very much 😊.

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It's really nice to meet the new king of your house.😂
You are right, pets teach us a lot, the most important of which is unconditional love and loyalty. Thank you for your participation. Sending love and Ecency Vote!

My mischievous little dog will give me many stories to tell. Thank you very much for the vote of ecency. Greetings and nice day. 😊

We would love to hear all those stories in this contest.😊 Nice day to you too!

You both look so cute together 😍

Thank you so much. Children and their pets always look beautiful. Greetings and blessings ☺️.