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RE: Flying skirts

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 months ago

Year ago, I took my girlfriend to a carnival parade (Masopust) in the south of Bohemia. There was a dance quite similar to the one one your pictures, and she, a flamenco dancer, keeps mocking it ever since (it's listed as a UNESCO protected intangible and cultural heritage). Now I have to share your post with her :P


That is a huge number of costumes that passed in that post of yours! Very funny ones haha.

Your girlfriend is a flamenco dancer? Nice 😇

Say hola to her from my side 😉

Well, not like a pro dancer, but she did dance flamenco for like 10 years or so ;)

She dances then more than ten times better than I would do 😇

And every Spaniard dances like ten times better than me :P