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RE: Drinking Caipirinha and music to relax in a bar full of symbols.

in Q Inspired-by-Music • last month

A prof? that's huge. I am a student currently (long way to go right?😅)
It feels great knowing about the phone and how hive contributed, especially as a newbie.
Lemme head over to crptogeek and say hello, I noticed his birthday was few days ago. He may have cake for me😅


Siii was his birthday these days. I'm sure she doesn't have any more cake. I have been a teacher for a few days jjj well I have been working at the university of Pinar del Rio for 20 years.

That's very impressive, I am so glad to have met U on here.
Whats your area of specialty?

I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociocultural Studies and a Master's degree in Social Development. I teach classes in Sociocultural Management for Development and also in Social Work Specialization. Here is a summary of my curriculum, as if you were going to give me a job. Jjjjjjjj.🫣🫣

Lol, I don't think I could give U a job even if I wanted to.