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RE: Flying skirts

in Q Inspired-by-Music2 months ago

I love watching people dance. I don't know how to dance, my thing is something like body expression. It's something I enjoy very much and I do it sometimes here alone at home.
The day I met Nickydee, thanks to you, I was very surprised that she does this. And I loved it.
About your wardrobe thing . ugh, I think you could go thinking about a little more colorful and summery outfit. Something flowery... maybe.


Dancing home alone - cool, I guess - and if the neighbours are not bothering, then even better.

The wardrobe thing. That was the dress code - the musicians in black 😉 But when I become a dancer of traditional dances of Valencia, then flowers will come 🌼

Por favor, maestra, I should have said clothes. No dejes que haga el ridículo con el inglés. jajajaja... ¿entonces no hay pianistas que tocan con ropas floreadas o de cualquier color que no sea negro? No sabía que existía un código de vestimenta. 😶🤔

Sí, hay pianistas que tocan con ropas floreadas, cuando uno toca como solista puede vestirse como quiere pero lo habitual es negro si es una actuación en grupo (which was the case yesterday + the director sent a reminder that all the musicians in black 😉). Also, the usual dress code for classical musicians is black, or black and white combination if it is more serious or official performance. This could be a topic for some future post maybe :))

😄 cool - y gracias por tan detallada explicación, which is very very (ay no sé) ¡qué tarde es!

¡qué tarde es!

time is relative - el día aquí acaba de empezar jaja

Que tengas un hermoso y productivo día, mipiano. ☀️