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RE: How to INCREASE HIVE-blogging/LEO-threads USAGE TREMENDOUSLY without Marketing - integrate Music platform(s)

in Q Inspired-by-Music7 months ago

As Eminem would say "My Ed´s Gone Crazy"

But the good kind of crazy, the mad scientist kind. The thing is that your post is even longer than your comments and I have been cooking up a scary story all morning so I got lost at The Concept and picked it Back Up at the Tech stuff.

Hence it will require another read to fully understand but I love what I think I understand so far!


hahahaha the scary bits and the concrete concept bits: I understand why it isn't easy to switch. or I think I do. let me attend to your scary contribution just now, to see if I can make that switch, or not. likely I can, knowing myself a little, but that aside 😉