Investment Sunday. I've collected some weekly dividends, sold some P2E assets, ...

in DBuzzlast month

... and added a bit of fiat. Hive's cheap, good time to buy.

I've added +25 #EDS, and +100,000 #SIM to my vault. Dividends for EDS will roll in later today. SIM Holding Rewards roll in everyday.

Posted via D.Buzz

 last month  

Which game is this? Are you making money?

Posted via D.Buzz

Hi! Sold some SCRAP from TerraCore, and some PART/SHARD from Golem Overlord.

Making a bit of money (2-3 Hive/Day, unless I reinvest into the game) in TerraCore, but haven’t ROI’d yet. But I’m trying to place what I earn in SIM tokens, that payout a reward from holding them.

Is Terracore still active and profitable to play?? !PGM !PIZZA

Yes, there are active players, feels decently active to me, though I’d love for it to be even more active. I’m mining around 8,000-10,000 SCRAP per day, worth around 3-4 HIVE.

Given the super little time it takes to play TerraCore, I’d say thats good!

Ohhhh, really! That's so cool!!! I have been active for a while, but I havr been robbed so badly LOLOLOL!! I need to play it more wisely, I guess! LOLOL!! 😆😆😆

Haha, yes it’s a tough game in the lower levels! Robbers and thieves everywhere :D

Yeah yeah!!! Lololol!!!
😆😆😆 !LOL

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