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RE: Beelink SER 5: So many possibilities

in Discovery-it2 months ago

I love the idea of the Raspberry Pi, and I kind of look for excuses to buy one, but I can just never find any real use case in my life. Lots of cool things—like I think it was Marky who posted a Pi-powered Hive price display a few years ago—but nothing that I ever think is enough to justify the purchase.

That said, these devices are really cool. Somewhat lower quality aside, this Beelink device sounds cool. Hope it works out for you!


I actually just recommended a Beelink device to a side client the other day. They just need something to browse the Internet and I think this will fit the bill. I probably wouldn't personally buy a Pi either, but I have funds here at school, so it's fun to play around with. I had a home automation server running on one at one point, but I never really did much with it. The RetroPi gaming thing is cool too if you are into that.