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RE: Ratta SuperNote Nomad: For Those Who Write

in Discovery-it2 months ago

I'll wait for a follow-up post after you have a chance to put it through its paces before I think about ordering one for myself, but so far looks great! The textured screen sounds very nice. If you get a chance, load a PDF in it and see how it looks. I have so many PDFs that I want to mark-up or annotate, but that is annoying to do on the PC so I end up printing them off, marking them up, then losing them. D'oh! So the idea of a device that I can annotate PDFs directly on is very appealing.

About the included screwdriver: when I order fountain pens from China (like from aliexpress), they often come with things like wrenches, silicon grease, o-rings, etc. It seems like China still largely subscribes to the fix it yourself when it breaks model that the US abandoned many years ago. I dig it.


I will see what I can do about the PDF thing. I'm still getting used to the different styles of pen. The one is just basic one mode, but the other one actually adjusts to how hard you push. It says on the thing it has over 4000 levels of sensitivity. I haven't played with hardly any of the tools along the sidebar yet.