This keychain holds the key to your Valentines heart!

in Discovery-it4 months ago

This is a life necessity for only $100 per keychain.

Keychains are made from high-quality plastic type of plastic. Toss it out after a year and it’s guaranteed the last forever at the bottom of a sharks stomach, stuck on a turtle’s toenail, …

You will always win everything if you have this keychain.

Get your babies mama or second papa this keychain for Valentine’s Day!

Only $100 each.

This is the first keychain designed by Tetrahedroseph. The design borrows two common heart emojis.

Checkout this video featuring the Fuct Heart Keychain on 3Speak here:


That's a cool keychain! would u take like 10 HIVE instead?? 😎😉🤙

Yes, especially for you. 😎

I should’ve offered, you’re brilliant for asking.