Mushroom miscellany from Gerroa end of Seven Mile Beach : May 15 2024

in Actifitlast month

A different day ahead. Starting with heads - had a haircut at a hairdresser on the way to the station. Lovely lady from Indonesia who has lived in more countries than I have

Was enough time for coffee before the train

Did the selfish to show the new cut. Dea loves curly hair and knows how to cut. How to remember her name - Drunk Every Afternoon

Train time - change over at Redfern for my train to Kiama. Was enough time to walk the streets around the station

Victorian terraces out the back of the station

No garden - put a chair on the street

Art school - turn off the TV - my house when news comes on

Autumn colours starting to shape up

Aboriginal style bollards outside the station with the big apartments on the other side of the track

View out the end of the platform to the old maintenance sheds on the west side of the tracks

Snapped from the train - Pacific National locos going by. My brother-in-law drives one of these but not in Sydney - hence the photo

2nd selfie for the day - fish and chips in Kiama on a stunning day. Plan from here - stop on Seven Mile Beach for a walk looking for a specific orchid

Going to be a mushroom day. This segment of bush is rainforest with not a lot growing under the canopy

Top end of Seven Mile Beach close in to Gerroa

Long view down the beach to Coolangatta Mountain

A new mushroom shape - looks like Mt Vesuvius - not seen these before

Side on - see a volcano inverted

Smaller version

So many mushroom types - deleted a lot too as photos were out of focus in low light

A good example - top down photo grabbed all the light. Underside is OK

This photo is a story of the rainforest. The core tree is a eucalyptus towering some 30 metres. Growing outside it is a Moreton Bay fig - both are doing OK for now. The eucalyptus will die

Native violet always found here

A whole tree full of mushrooms - oyster mushrooms perhaps

Right on the track was this mushroom standing 2 inches tall

Mini mushroom in red

The only orchids found - guessing a nodding greenhood. The forest floor is too damp for orchids to prosper - have learned this from further along this track

This mushroom is almost wafer thin - top down photo was not good - deleted it

Wavy edge mushroom

The mushroom journey starts with this bullet shape to push through the ground. Then they will flatten out as they grow taller

Fungal form is the ultimate photo challenge. Dud not have the patience to adjust setting to do a manual photo - the sun behind was intense to deal with

A different form of wavy edges. So the walk became a mushroom walk. Going to guess I saw at least 30 types - photographed 15 and deleted half.

Was good to get back to Shoalhaven Heads. Doing the out and back to Sydney over two days is a lot easier. Taking my computer worked too. As for meal planning - bought a little to leave in Gordon for next week visit and brought fruit back with me. Next time I will stop at one of the stations in Royal National Park to walk there (depending on rain forecast)

Chose to cook BBQ to continue the outdoor feel for the day

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Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking


Your hairstyle looks very cool, if you add a little smile your day will look happier

Very stunning photographs my friend thanks for sharing your day!😄
Awesome 11 K @actifit steps on today's adventure cheers!👍

11.22k actifit report is so excellent . in my country 1122 is emergency services number for helping rescue . Sir your photography is so beautiful and you are looking so handsome and beautiful ❤️🤩
