Ben's Walk on Nowra Creek : May 16 2024

in Actifitlast month

Wake to a stunning sunny day. Plan for the day is to do shopping in Nowra and find a new place to walk. Decided to walk before the shops - went to Ben's Walk which starts at Hanging Rock Lookout just past the local hospital

Fabulous views of Shoalhaven River up to the Southern Highlands beyond

The hanging rock that gives the place its name. Walk starts directly from there and drops down the cliffs to the river below

Path goes through this crevasse - no abseiling

View back through the crevasse from below

High above the track were some rock orchids - they flower around the turn of the year

Path tracks the river and crosses over Nowr Creek with this suspension bridge. The track was built a long time back to connect the suburb of West Nowra to the Showgrounds

View from the bridge down to the river and the far bank - North Nowra

Looking up Nowra Creek. Water is dirty brown from all the rain last week

Did walk the west side for a little. Is a large floodplain with thriving kikuyu grass. Not a home for orchids. Reminded me of walking in England. Crossed back to the rainforest side

Some mushrooms but not as many as the day before

Path flattens out into a grand melaleuca forest - fab colours

Large mushroom cache away from the track - size caught my eye. Each is the size of a side plate

As the ground flattened there was a lot more water lying - made for a good melaleuca reflection photo

Path has two access points to get back to the showground - this path not as steep as the one down.

Could hear the rosellas. Each time I got the camera out, they moved. As close as I could get

The main showground building newly painted

Covered stands for the animal viewing rings - arch work is different

Did the shopping in Nowra - done for the week

Had a friend come over for dinner. Lucy's owner has gone to Melbourne. So I get to feed Jim and entertain the dog. She loves our house. Got the steps over the 10k with a few dog walks

Bloke dinner - steak and pork ribs. Ribs done in sous vide at 165F for 18 hours.

There were vegies.

Did stay up late for market open - trades will be in the weekly #tib post coming next week.
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Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Shopping


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Such a lovely day out and It's really incredible. I really appreciate this post

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