New season helmet orchids in Seven Mile Beach NP : May 17 2024

in Actifitlast month

The sun came out - not a cloud over the mountain. Got the new wheel on the bike a little after lunch to cycle up to my favourite autumn orchid spot on Seven Mile Beach

I have a NP marker on the road. Cycle to that and then walk the bike onto the footpath that runs parallel to the road - found this orchid flowering on the way across. First fringed helmet orchid of the season

Greenhood rosette also before reaching the path. Will be walking this small segment a bit more in coming weeks. What I know is nobody else does

A few stages of opening photos. There are two helmet orchids that come up similarly - clue is this has quite a lot of purple in the helmet

Budding greenhood - over the next few weeks there will be at least 5 types

Top down view of the helmet - the widening out is a clue

Slightly side on. The other type has spurs on the stalk that attaches to the helmet. Cannot see any of those - same again

Acianthus orchid - front on - a hard photo without a background. Especially with the sun behind. Hairy labellumnand purple strikes are key to ID - acianthus fornicatus

A lower down photo of the helmet orchid showing the wide opening - corysanthes fimbriatus

More stages of opening

Side on photos of acianthus fornicatus are easier as the subject is wider. Good detail for the pollinator

Pollinator up top

This flower is tiny - smaller than a US penny. Gets frustrating to get a photo of a flower this small in focus and most the mushrooms not. Needs patience. Hard to to when each visit to sit on the ground attracts a leech

This mushroom photo worked - dark is easier as the subject does not grab the light

A posed photo - mushroom and orchid leaf. Focus is on the orchid leaf - happy with that

A different posed photo - acianthus orchid in the front and mushroom in the background. Needed to sit longer to get the foreground focus right

Did sit for this tiny spider. Did hold a leaf up behind to improve focus - not the best but it does capture the beauty of the beast

Two greenhoods budding side by.side - probably pterostylis concinna

On the side by side theme - two helmet orchids

Not quite twins - helmet orchid and mushroom - front in focus

Visit ti Seven Mile Beach says - find a native violet

Good to get a ride in. Good to have a new back wheel and the brakes do not grab. Can hammer the downhills now.

Decided not to do the Friday night bowling club drinks. Spent the time doing some Internet Markrting stuff. Trying to get my head around some new stuff.

Dinner: Stir fried rice

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Cycling, Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking


The first photo of an orchid looks very unique, the color is also very beautiful
