Monopoly, KpopX, Lamb Chop & My Actifit Report Card: April 19 2024

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

The kid I was doing intervention with expressed his wants just to play Monopoly and would not want to do any learning.He even mentioned that he hates Maths, which made me chuckle. 😄 I admitted to him that I'm not a big fan of Maths either and that I struggle with it, but I explained how knowing our numbers can be really useful when we're buying things we like in the shops. I asked him to imagine what would happen if we didn't know our numbers and couldn't pay for the things we want. He just shrugged in response. So, I negotiated with him: we could play Monopoly for 10 minutes, and then we had to move on to our Maths lesson, whether the game was finished or not.After 10 minutes, he tried to resist continuing with the lesson, but I gently reminded him of our agreement, and he eventually complied. Sometimes I don't know where my patience is coming from and at the end of the day I'm always grateful for not losing my cool. Phew! 🎲📚


After my afternoon hustle, I headed to KpopX Dance Fitness class. The studio was super hot, like a sauna, but it didn't stop us from having a great time. Dancing to the music, we forgot about our worries and just enjoyed moving our bodies. It was like a party with friends, laughing and sweating together. KpopX Dance Fitness is more than just exercise – it's a fun way to let loose and feel good!


Grilled Lamb Chop served with mash potato and mixed lettuce and radishes was superb to end the day. Laters Actifitters!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Dancing,Moving Around Office


Looks soooooo delicious, tita.

Thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great Friday


Apow! Dayta man, kabsat!