Friday being Friday & My Actifit Report Card: May 3 2024

in Actifit29 days ago (edited)

Work was shorter today as it was Friday, but it didn't really change how busy I was. One intervention got canceled, but that time was quickly filled with sending emails, planning, and prepping resources. Then, just when I thought I was all set, I got an email about the Primary Music Showcase. It messed up the schedule I had just finished organizing with the teachers. Ugh, what a bummer! It feels like I didn't get much done today, but hey, sometimes unexpected stuff happens, right? I'll have to deal with it all when I come back to work on Monday. I will totally ignore them for now! 😅

After my usual hustle in the afternoon, it was time for the regular KpopXfitness dance session. I felt a bit more tired than usual today, so I had to take a quick break halfway through. The heat in the studio was intense, making it feel stuffy and uncomfortable. Despite that, it was still enjoyable. After my brief rest, I managed to get back into it, and as always, I felt refreshed after the groove!



And to end the day was a dinner with colleagues. We decided to have Indian food and it was a blast. At first, we agreed not to talk about work, which we did, but work-related stuff sneaked between our conversations. LOL! It was a fun evening, and it was pouring hard again on our way home. Hooray for a good night's sleep yet again.

Laters Actifitters!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Dancing,Daily Activity,Moving Around Office


Bon appetit, thanks for sharing the report, have a nice day, have a great Friday

Unexpected things happen, it will always be our choice how to handle it. You did a great job.


Gracias por compartir tu relato con nosotros, saludos 🙌

I love all the food you're sharing, tita 🙂