a day to relax and think: March 16 2024

in Actifit3 months ago (edited)

just when i thought that everything will be fine, oh no oh no. not yet! my legs were still sore this second day. usually, i can still do cardio exercises even with sore legs but this is a different sore. my hamstrings were badly hit this time making it very difficult to even make a step. my glutes were also sore, it was difficult to sit up from a lying position. not very ideal for any gym workout. 2nd day doms or delayed onset muscle soreness is very real. i just did a 30 minute treadmill last friday but walking has been difficult today.

so let this be a slow down day, i did my groceries for the week and that has consisted most of my step counts. and i ate some dessert. this is slowly turning into a pig out day. might as well continue this trend, some red wine to end the day. some cheese would have been great but cheese flavored chips is the next best thing. relaxation is the key word for the day, a light hearted way to express pigging out. i was supposed to go out and enjoy some hanami or sakura viewing but look at were i ended up with. that is no more an option. i have always known that muscle sore after a leg day is something else, muscle sore after a month break of leg day is on another level.

i did received some heartbreaking news very late last night. a friend's dad had an accident and sadly had an untimely death. this made me had an internal monologue, a reflection of sorts. what would i feel if this happened to me? how would i even react? my parents are both old and thoughts of their passing have crept my mind for quite some time now. i have readied and kept my feelings in check. but if it were something this unexpected, i really wouldn't know what to do. life is really fleeting; we better treat each day as if it were the last. say your well wishes and express your love to your loved ones each day. do not be shy to say "i love you". do not shy away from expressing your gratitude, say "thank you". lower your ego and say "sorry". and let us also be kind and not hold grudges; grudges only burdens the heart and a heavy heart usually lessens the fulfillment and happiness one is bound for. ponder on this for a while.

as always, stay safe.

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all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Shopping
168.0 cm
72.8 kg
Body Fat
21.4 %


Grabe ung self reflection but yes, I agree with that. As much as possible, spend time and make good memories too.

true true true. make the world a better place.