My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024 : I Am Alive Challenge

in Actifit • 26 days ago

Today wasn't a pop up question.

What came up was saying I should make my post more original to get potential rewards.
Did I get that right 🤔

Okay, I enjoy actifit report because it happens me recall my day's activities and appreciate being alive.

So, this is original.

Alright.......let's go!

A humble welcome to my actifit report for Saturday 18th May, 2024.

I was supposed to tell a story for my Friday but I didn't.......apologies people 🙂

Alright, for my started with me feeling lazy to go to work.

But I stood up and started preparing quickly, I didn't even want to be late too.

On reaching the site, I started with a lot.

The day was looking somehow dull, and yes it started to rain around some minutes to 10am.

I used that opportunity to finish up some paperwork because I had other stuffs to attend to, that requires me to walk around.

I even forgot to take more pictures.

I came back a little bit late on this day.

On reaching, I showered and immediately ate something before loosening the braids on my hair.

Then washed few clothes before calling it a day.......thank you Jesus.....I survived the day again 🥰

I really appreciate you for stopping by me blog😘💕
Hope you enjoyed the visit?

Both photos are taken with my android mobile phone.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking


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