My Actifit Report Card: May 14 2024

in Actifit18 days ago

I played a very windy practice round out at the easy disc golf course. Usually, I can score a lot better on this course, but today, I had a +11.

I also quit early, but I convinced myself to keep going in spite of the wind. The only way to learn to throw in the wind is to throw in the wind.

It was a nice day today. It was mostly sunny with a bit of cloudyness in the morning and a nice temperature.

Tomorrow, the old guys disc golf club is officially meeting. There is no real club name at this point by my unoffical term, for it is the old guys disc golf club. It keeps us happy and out of trouble. What else should we retired people do? Lol.

Yet another picture taken by the Koi Pond when out traveling:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S22 Ultra. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking


The view of the mountain is really very beautiful, what's his name, I really like it because I have never seen a mountain like this

Quite interesting yet astonishing yet I love the accomplishment so far. Don't let the negative affect the great work. It feels so good to be here again

Posted using SportsTalkSocial

Can you tell which place is this? Because this view is really amazing☺️Waking up every morning at such a place is a blessing in itself! 🏞️🧘🏼

9k actifit activity report is very good and photography view is so beautiful

Being retired is good my friend!!!👍
Keep throwing into the wind!😄
Have a great evening take care!!😄

Good afternoon my friend.
Even though your score today is not much, it's okay, keep your spirits up friend.

Wow, the picture of the pool is very beautiful, behind it there is a very beautiful mountain, I really enjoyed it❤

How well always triumphant in your disc game. When you say that comes a day of disc of the old, it is of old people or the discs are of the old? In any case I always wish you success. Today I made a publication about yoga, it is called variant of the palm tree, which would be very good to practice it in such a beautiful place, where you play disc. Thank you forÉxitos.your continued visits to my posh. Successes.

You always take great photos 😜

From the view in the picture that my friend showed, it is really extraordinary and I really like seeing beautiful mountains like this.

Good afternoon and best wishes to all of us. For today, hopefully we can all carry out extraordinary activities.

All your photos you do share always look amazing and this one is not exempted.

The camera of this Samsung galaxy phone just looks like a normal digital camera.

Thank you for sharing this amazing scene with us.

It's a little difficult to throw a disc, you have to have extraordinary skills, but keep trying to make sure you can my friend.

Wow.... Beautiful shot,the scenery around Pool koi is amazing 👍

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First of all, thank you very much for such a beautiful photography that you have presented to us.
And before that, thousands of thanks to the creator that the creator has created such a beautiful natural environment among us, everything has become a common scene.

Beautiful mountain landscape. What an incredible view