The end of a successful day that spent a lot of energy - My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2024

in Actifit4 months ago

Hi my loving Actifiters,

What's up guys? I hope you are having fun with loving once on Sunday. Although today was a relaxing day on Sunday, according to the weather conditions, there was intense sunshine. These days in almost every district of Sri Lanka people are suffering because of the extreme heat. Therefore, the Department of Meteorology warns the general public to avoid outdoor activities.

Yesterday I received a phone call from one of my dearest friends to ask me if today was a relaxing day. Accordingly, I informed him that there was nothing to do today. Therefore, he asked for support for his wall construction work and for cutting down the decaying jackfruit tree. Accordingly, today after breakfast, I went to his house to help him.

In the morning, I and some of his other friends had come to the house of the dear friend whom we talked to on the phone yesterday. Masons had already started work when we got there. What we had to do was to provide the mortar mixture of cement, sand and stones and take the cement stones and deliver them to the place where the masons are. Apart from that, we had to perform water supply and other small tasks.

While constructing the wall using cement stones, another person came and cut down the rotten jackfruit tree. Due to this decayed jackfruit tree, the house was under severe threat. My friend decided to cut it just because it was rotten. In fact, a jackfruit tree is likened to a rice tree by Sri Lankans because of its many uses. But since there is no use of a rotten jackfruit tree and it is possible to use them for house furniture and other wood works, it was decided to cut them down soon. The present generation should really be interested in preserving a jackfruit tree as a national treasure because of its benefits.

After a long time, the body felt more energetic due to heavy work. Also felt more tired. Had to drink more water today to recover the extra energy left. In fact, I must give special thanks to my friend who invited me to such a heavy work because he was able to wake up my physical strength after a long time. A friend of mine maintains a banana plantation and other small crops in his garden. Since he has a shop, he can earn more profit by selling the produce from these bananas.

I could feel that the body generated more energy due to the intense physical work done today. Also got opportunities to pass 10000 steps. After finishing all the activities I took bath. Then took some rest. After my stay, I participated in a meditation work. In this way, it should be mentioned that today's activities will end successfully.

@madushanka (2).gif

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Yard Work
156 cm
64.3 kg
Body Fat
