Postcards from Thailand #55: Trying to Get Back in the Habit

in Actifit4 months ago

I really have to start by wishing people Happy New Year. Its been a while as life overtook me a little for the last six weeks.

Work was far too busy to stay healthy and the wife ended up in hospital with appendicitis just ten days before we were due to fly to the UK for Christmas. We still made the trip but both ended up in bed with flu for the first week of three! The first photo is a Thai, private hospital room! More about that another day.

Early morning flight back from miserable Manchester!

We came back to Thailand two weeks ago and straight back to work but had to also spend time with the sister and brother-in-law over from Scotland for their annual trip and catch up with the gardening and get the cat 'done'. Oh, and the FiL's seventieth birthday.

Gratuitous shot of 'done' cat in its favourite sleeping position after just eating its own weight in cat food.

Finally this week, my little scooter arrived by post from Bangkok. When we were up there before flying out, I drove my bike right inside the posy office, left them the log book and sixty quid and then wrapped it up and sent it down here. Try driving a moped right up to a post office counter inside WH Smiths in the UK and see what reaction you'd get!

One happy wife now her baby is back and she no longer has to rely on me to drive her to the noodle shop for lunch!

It's so easy to get out of the habit of posting, but worse than that, not commenting on posts from people I like and enjoy reading, so my apologies. There's also many things going on around Hive to catch up on. Some good. Some not so.

So this is the reboot! Using @actifit as I get daily reminders to post and it's easy to create nice little posts on the phone before sleep.

Till next time. Thank you and best wishes, health and happiness to all.

@nathen007 really called Martin!
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Daily Activity, Gardening, Walking


It's been a while since you last posted on Hive, I was wondering where you are and thought you might be busy or traveling. It seems like a lot of things happened during Christmas and New Year's eve. I hope both of you are feeling better now. How's the weather in Thailand?

Thank you :-) so happy to see you and its brilliant that you're still travelling and fighting!
I read you're starting a new treatment regime this year so I hope that is going well. The weather here is nice at the moment. A little rain but its keeping the temperatures really comfortable. If you ever get chance to travel a little further afield....!

You take care always, its going to be a great 2024 for all, I feel :-)

I read you're starting a new treatment regime this year

So far it's going well because it's not intense. December was overall nice, was able to see some amazing locations. I still remember my Thailand days, really love that country a lot.

Have a good week my friend...

Oh my… lots happened in the last weeks.
Sorry to hear she got so sick and ended up in hospital. And than both of you after arriving in the uk. Not a great start of being abroad.
Visiting family is also hard work.
I hope you have some time to recover soon.

Here it’s crazy again. Got sick too after we came back from Sweden and I started packing for a new country move hahaha 😋 yep again. Thursday the movers come and Saturday our adventure. A road trip from a month starts to our new “home” it will be epic 😎

Happy new year to you and yours too 🎉🎉🥂🥂 all the best wishes!
Take care and stay healthy 🍀😊
It’s so important.

No way! I honestly don't know how you do it. Now I need to keep my eyes peeled and watch for clues as to your next destination lol

Do you own shares in a removals company? Let me know who you use and I'll be buying some!

Take care always and keep smiling. Have you ever considered just buying one of these...

Wave Media

Hahaha I know hahahaha !LOL
It’s getting a bit ridiculous. But hey, live can change so quickly… let’s go with the flow, now we still can.
The movers… (no I don’t have shares in moving companies, I almost wished I had… hahaha 🤣😂) picked up everything this morning. It will be on the road for 2 to 6 weeks. 📦📦📦🚛🚛🚛
Now I have some time. Clean the rental, relax and we start our journey Saturday 🚘🚘🚘🚘
I will post an update, I hope tomorrow 😊

If it keeps happening, maybe I should invest in a “mobile” home. Just drive to the next place… will be lots cheaper too.

Thank you so much, I will.
Have a great day!

What is Victorias Secret?
High prices.

Credit: reddit
@nathen007, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of littlebee4



Ahh, please send my regard to your wife who ended up in hospital and same time, contacted flu.

Nevertheless, how is your own health condition presently?

Thank-you so much :-) I'm happy to say we're all healthy and well again! I really hope you and your loved ones are too.

Best wishes and thanks for dropping by :-)

Thanks to God. Am glad to hear that.


Welcome back, keep posting your dailies you will always be rewarded.