Postcards from Thailand #57: Neighbours. Everybody Needs Good Neighbours...

in Actifit3 months ago

I may have mentioned before how we don't appear to be on the best of terms with the owners of the land next door. How much of this is family paranoia and how much is true is open to question but regardless, the latest issue was my old mango tree that was encroaching across to next door.

It's got to be cut back said the FiL

And so it came to pass that two old blokes with a step ladder and a little saw turned up to hack at the guilty, trespassing tree.

I'd have just chopped the whole thing down. All it does is drop leaves all over the garden and it's mangoes are tiny and rubbish. However, despite being master of all I survey, there are darker forces at work to override my decisions!

The wife.

Their tactics appeared to be cut half way through a branch then swing on it till it snapped, leaving a jagged splinter effect.

As for the bits they cut off, they were just dumped round the back of the house waiting for some fairies to chop them into little logs and burn them...

They could be there a while...

Next job,of course, is the privet hedge which is cheekily casting a little twiglet across into enemy territory. That's a job for me and my shears. A glorious two hours turning myself into a lobster thermidore in the 37C heat.

That's it for my seasonal reappearance. You can't beat a good moan to a captive audience that cares not!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy and having a great week.

Best wishes

@nathen007 (really called Martin!)

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Daily Activity, Gardening


All it does is drop leaves all over the garden and it's mangoes are tiny and rubbish. However, despite being master of all I survey, there are darker forces at work to override my decisions!

The wife.

🤣 I can't stop laughing... Seems like you had a busy seasonal time... 🤣

Hi Priya. As you can see. I know I rank in life, even if I often pretend otherwise lol

Hope you're having the best week you can, and making you laugh has just made my week. Thank you :-)

Haha, I love a bit of tree hacking. I was attempting to bring one down at the weekend. It is meant to be a bush but has turned into a spiky bastard of a giant. Give me a Mango tree anyday... And maybe some of that 37° weather!!

If you can grow bamboo, I'm sure you can grow mangoes and if its a 'hackathon' you want, come over and knock yourself out! The one good thing here is we don't seem to have very many spikey plants.....possibly because they're all guarded by venomous little bastards like centipedes and scorpions. I don't actually see that much scary stuff, but just knowing its hiding there somewhere is enough to put the shits up me. As a kid, I'd run through fallen leaves, kicking them in the air. Now I tip toe, slowly whilst barely breathing and in a cold sweat!

Thanks for the update, Martin

Not shaken or stirred :D

You can deposit the free firewood here 'round back. Or send that helicopter and I'll come and grab it myself 💪🏽

Keep throwing out the amazing posts as you do and it won't be too long before you can buy a damn helicopter!
All I wish for you is peace and serenity but until then, always admiring your fight to find it!

Hoping you're having an amazing week :-)

Aw... you :)


Eh... you have to resist the darkness to stay in the light. Unavoidable, sadly. It's tiring but necessary for that peace.

Super chilled! Bit tired! But who wouldn't be at this point :D

You too, dear man. Resist the grumpy neighbours! 💪🏽

P.s. what I really want is two horses and six huskies ;)


As for the bits they cut off, they were just dumped round the back of the house waiting for some fairies to chop them into little logs and burn them...

😂 there's always fairies somewhere! For some reason, I might have missed an update from you or it's just that I am not around too much? but either way, I hope those fairies come and fetch them soon!