My Actifit Report Card: maggio 16 2024

in Actifit17 days ago

All photos by @stewie.wieno

My Daily Diary

This was a heavy rainy day. That means was difficult for me have activity. But I reach the minimum effort for this post.

It was also a day of discoveries. I try some automation tools on my iPhone to improve some daily tasks.

Another good day to be Alive and Thriving

Automate tasks could be a great thing! I can save some time to spend in different and more meaningful ways.

This was Awesome!

I found a way to send automatic message to my girlfriend when I arrive at work!

Who is stewie.wieno?

Hi, i'm stewie and since I had back problems I realized that I had to take better care of myself. I am very lazy, but following my doctor's advice, I try to focus on getting some activity every day. "Better a little but constant, than a lot once in a while!"

I work in the office, I love travelling, doing improv theater and spending time with my girlfriend. My favorite animal is the giraffe (but I also love dogs) and I'm passionate about home economics and saving.

I discovered Hive in July 2021.

Join We Are Alive Tribe, makes every day count, share that life is worth living, that hope survives adversity, and all your gratitude for being alive.
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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



Wow you made some good progress today... Keep going, never give up... And did you say automation on iPhone?

Yeah, I’m studying how Shortcuts app works and it seems fine. I’m just started, but think that could give some help in the future!


That's amazing... Wishing you all the best

I will keep you informed about that mate!


I'm grateful mate 🤠🤠🤠
